[11:41:07] something something 1.39.0 something something [13:13:14] Hi is there a way to add Wikipedia search results to third-party wiki? and when someone click on any article they will be taken to the particular article on Wikipedia. Thanks [13:23:47] Hi is there a way to add Wikipedia search results to third-party wiki? and when someone click on any article they will be taken to the particular article on Wikipedia. Thanks [13:33:41] It will be good if there is any extension to do this or otherwise any documentation on how to use the Wikipedia search API. [13:35:19] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Search [13:35:30] I'm not aware of any such extension, and from a UX standpoint it seems rather counterintuitive and would likely result in what we've seen or at least saw in the past on MediaWiki.org: lots and lots of confused, random new people editing the site and thinking, for some odd reason, that that particular site (MediaWiki.org) is their brand new wiki that they just set up [13:36:11] but besides that, the link Reedy just posted should have enough info on using the regular search API of basically any MediaWiki site for whatever purposes you may require [13:38:41] Thank you for the information and link to the API.