[04:19:38] hi [04:19:58] does mediawiki install the skin chameleon by default? [04:20:14] not [04:20:18] *no [04:20:31] then whenever i install [04:20:33] i get this [04:20:47] sorry let me paste the error [04:20:53] Uncaught ExtensionDependencyError: chameleon requires Bootstrap to be installed. [04:22:33] what could be the issue? [04:24:38] if you went through that of course hehe [04:25:30] somewhere in your installation, probably in LocalSettings.php you must have a wfLoadSkin( 'Chameleon' ); and have the Chameleon code "installed" (downloaded) in the ./extensions folder. [04:25:30] To complete the installation of Chameleon, you can either do it manually, or (my preference) using composer. [04:25:30] Details at https://github.com/ProfessionalWiki/chameleon/blob/master/docs/installation.md [04:25:56] rundg[m]: but from default install [04:25:58] i mean [04:26:49] thats on install [04:26:51] Of course, you can also remove Chameleon... just find the wfLoadSkin( 'Chameleon' ) and delete that; and delete the ./extensions/Chameleon code. [04:27:17] yes i know but could it happen on install? [04:27:34] i mean after install it gives that error [04:28:16] It couldn't happen with a default install, not even the tarball includes Chameleon. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bundled_extensions_and_skins [04:28:23] ok thank you [04:28:35] You must have an old LocalSettings.php [04:32:03] thank you i found the issue [04:32:54] there is a "mediawiki/chameleon-skin": "^3.4.1", [04:34:34] biberao: ah, in composer.local.json? [04:34:39] yes [04:34:45] that modifies localsettings? [04:35:49] no, but if you use composer at all, having that there will install the code. You still need to edit LocalSettings.php manually [04:36:11] so, if you don't want Chameleon, just delete that line in composer.local.json [04:36:17] but [04:36:22] when insalling [04:36:24] with that [04:36:42] how does localsettings get a wfLoadSkin( 'Chameleon' ) without me touching? [04:37:41] biberao: It doesn't, and the skin won't load nor will it be available to your wiki. However, Composer will find the requirements for Chameleon, and see that they are not met... raising the error. [04:38:03] then its weird how it happens [04:38:52] im reinstalling again [04:40:12] can i make [04:40:15] the install [04:40:20] make vector use by default [04:40:25] and anot ask to add others [04:40:35] It would be nice if you could manage the whole installation with Composer, or with a mediawiki cli that invokes composer. There are solutions like that. https://www.canasta.wiki/ (disclosure: I'm a developer) [04:42:11] sure [04:42:19] but it also happens the issue in canasta [04:42:34] in canasta the it selects all skins [04:43:50] biberao: Normally that is exactly what happens. If you simply delete the line for Chameleon in composer.local.json and then issue a `composer update "mediawiki/chameleon-skin"` from your $IP (install path), then you should be good to go. [04:44:47] It sounds like although you are installing a "fresh" MediaWiki codebase, you have a pre-existing wiki. [04:45:27] but even installing new [04:45:36] it selects all skins and that breaks i guess [04:47:31] but you see canasta has that on composer.local.json and somehow its enabling it on localsettings [04:47:35] thats what i meant to say [04:49:21] What version are you installing? [04:50:47] 1.2.0 but i wasnt using the cli so maybe thats the situation [04:50:50] will try the cli :D [04:52:38] Jumping into Canasta can be a tall order if you are not already familiar with MediaWiki and Docker usage. [04:52:53] I meant what version of MediaWiki? [04:53:10] Were you trying to download the new 1.39? [04:54:15] nono [04:54:18] 1.35 is what they have [04:55:38] So, if you already have a 1.35 wiki, and are trying to 'start over', then see the 'upgrading' page https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading [04:59:25] rundg[m]: ok [05:01:34] TLDR;... (full message at ) [05:02:50] Pay close attention to any hidden files (.htaccess) in your old root that need to be replicated in the new root installation directory. [05:03:11] thats not the problem just fixing that needs bootstrap by default [05:03:23] Do not delete your old install code/directory/db backup until everything is fully tested. [05:04:10] ok [05:04:42] biberao: That should be fixed just by removing the line from composer.local.json [05:04:42] "mediawiki/chameleon-skin": "^3.4.1", [05:04:59] yes or adding bootstrap [05:05:28] But you need to run composer update in order to also remove it from the composer.lock file [05:05:37] yes thank you [05:07:17] biberao: If you do want to add Bootstrap (Chameleon is a nice skin), just follow the steps at https://github.com/ProfessionalWiki/chameleon/blob/master/docs/installation.md [05:11:04] yes [05:11:09] we fixed it thanks [05:26:36] i wish the email worked :D [05:27:04] linux host? [05:27:15] yes [05:28:01] does phpinfo show sendmail? [05:28:08] i wonder if the email address must exist? [05:28:13] or it spoofs it? [05:28:40] No such thing as an "existing" email address [05:28:52] Email can be whatever you want it to be ;) [05:29:07] Email is a very trusting protocol [05:29:16] bawolff: haha [05:29:19] nope, all you need is for PHP to be able to send email. Most cheap hosting turns this off to avoid spammers. So, the easier thing to do is setup wgSMTP with a GMail account [05:29:30] ya [05:29:37] i think i have sendmail [05:29:58] I'm not even joking, email really has no notion of an email that exists, only whether or not a certain IP is allowed to send for a certain email domain [05:30:31] bawolff: i never said otherwise [05:30:32] biberao: the problem with using sendmail is that most messages will be dropped/blocked before they reach the recipient; and at best will end up in the spam folder [05:30:44] so whats the other solution? [05:30:49] a custom smtp? [05:31:06] if you setup all the additional steps with sendmail, your email will probably get through [05:31:09] but its a pita [05:31:26] But at the very least, if you set up SPF records for your domain name, that's probably good enough [05:31:51] cheap/fast, use GMail and $wgSMTP [05:31:51] better/professional, setup $wgSMTP and also configure your domain MX and SPF and DKIM records in DNS [05:32:24] i see [05:32:36] what if i say my domain for now for sendmail and define a spf [05:32:38] record [05:33:06] I think it has a 90% chance of working, provided you don't send an excessive amount of email [05:33:10] number entirely pulled from a hat [05:33:12] ok i added it for now [05:33:14] lets see [05:33:17] its just for test [05:34:01] I used to have a wiki with instructions on sendmail setup, but my wiki is offline ☹️ [05:34:01] Hope to change that in the next few days [05:34:07] In addition to everything rundg[m] said, if you want to go the full self-setup route, making sure your reverse-ip matches your domain is also a good idea [05:34:58] bawolff: right, which requires a static IP hosting account [05:35:25] yeah [05:35:34] cloudflare just added some spf stuff [05:35:35] so, a floating IP at Digital Ocean, or Elastic IP at AWS, or ... [05:35:36] to my domain [05:36:18] biberao: If you send a test email to a gmail account, do the "view original" and it will tell you if it thinks SPF is setup correctly [05:36:19] no emails yet though :p [05:36:31] bawolff: where ? [05:36:55] So in gmail, when looking at an email, there is a more options "..." menu, which has a "view original" button [05:37:09] and it shows info about SPF/DKIM/DMARC status [05:37:19] so [05:37:25] i send an email to my fake address? [05:38:38] oh wait i can enable an email for me [05:39:36] thanks guys [05:39:48] biberao: to use GMail as **sender** in conjunction with $wgSMTP, you need to create a GMail account and in additional settings, enable SMTP for that GMail account, [05:40:08] yes [05:40:35] but i think php mail is broken [05:41:38] typically php mail() being broken just means sendmail is not installed [05:41:48] Often its easier to test that first with commandline mail tools [05:42:37] atleast the command line works [05:42:56] but i tested to my email from gmail [05:43:02] and it doesnt get it either so [05:45:44] rundg[m]: maybe ill use a custom server [05:47:22] > <@biberao:libera.chat> i send an email to my fake address? [05:47:22] * to use GMail as **sender** in conjunction with $wgSMTP, you need to create a GMail account and for that GMail account, obtain an app password. [05:47:33] yes [05:49:03] thanks and gn [05:49:17] mail delivery is a lot better with a dedicated service and for low volume can be free. Check MailGun for example [05:50:59] in a joking side [05:51:06] im anti guns advocate [05:51:08] :P [05:51:21] biberao: me too!! [05:55:39] ok then [05:55:41] bye [07:28:15] oh, I think I get why my reverse cache does not get properly purged for load.php and the likes… unlike before when MW did HTTP PURGE by just plaintext talking to the server without Guzzle, you cannot stack Accept-Encoding headers [07:28:43] makes sense, it is a dictionary [07:30:33] in http, stacking should be equivalent to separating with a comma, so there should be an easy work around [07:36:19] bawolff_: aye that is what I am going to do, though I still need to write a local patch for when wgUploadBaseUrl differs from $wgServer [07:37:31] seems like every HTTP client library in existence lacks the ability to properly customise your requests [11:34:21] took 26 minutes to migrate from 1.38.x to 1.39.0 hmm, quick enough [12:30:32] upgrading my other wikis noticed this for all of them: WARNING! Column 'user_newtalk.user_id ' does not exist but it should! Please report this. [12:30:52] probably a mistype? [12:30:59] judging by the whitespace [12:31:46] Are you using postgres? [12:31:49] yes [12:32:05] installer/PostgresUpdater.php: [ 'dropFkey', 'user_newtalk', 'user_id ' ], [12:32:19] yeah, just found it [12:32:38] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/commit/74c0553250034729393fbf8f36a928daf752905d [12:32:42] Been there since 1.36 [12:33:20] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/862879 [12:33:32] guess I did not pay attention before haha [12:34:19] removing the whitespace seems to successfully remove the warning [12:35:26] will need to remove some stuff manually too (several different ...WARNING: something still exists, despite it has been renamed into some_other_thing (which also exists). instances) [12:40:00] schema drifts I guess [12:56:59] also judging by phabricator I can finally attempt switching to elasticsearch 7 [12:57:04] woohoo [13:03:15] hi. what's a wikiscript alternative to {code} {/code} ? [13:03:30] I want to paste an ascii art with all the spaces right etc. [13:04:14] there's a few... [13:04:19]
 might be enough
[13:06:27] 	 great thanks!
[13:20:22] 	 hethw: if you want the *really* wiki-idiomatic way for 
, add a space at the beginning of each line instead
[13:21:53] 	 the downside is it's not visually explicit when you're editing, if your preformatted block contains newlines, which newlines are part of the block (and thus which blocks of text are actually part of the same block)
[13:24:30] 	 I tried this but it edited the text, so pre is better.
[13:24:41] 	 how can I rename external links? so they don't show the full url?
[13:25:00] 	 [name https://...] is nice but I don't see how to shoreten it
[13:25:14] 	 [https://foo.com displaytext]
[13:27:20] 	 ahha of course. thanks!
[13:30:30] 	 I don't think it should affect the rendered text (so someone copying it from the page would get the exact same text as someone copying it from the original source), but that's a fair point if you don't want to modify the text when you're first adding it to the page
[13:44:01] 	 how do I create a real newline?
[13:44:45] 	 where?
[13:44:54] 	 sometimes 
is needed [13:45:11] except
? [13:45:37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Line-break_handling#Causing_line_breaks [13:45:44] I'm reading here [16:16:17] hi guys [16:16:41] i have one big problem updating my site to mediawiki 1.39 [16:18:24] the tec style to hide/show it no more work, my skin is based on pivot and also pivot skin has the same problem,i0ve work around it enabling mw.loader.load('mediawiki.toc.styles'); but now also this not eork anymore [16:19:25] Have you updated the Pivot skin? [16:21:04] yes i've downloaded the latest release for 1.39 [16:21:23] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-skins-Pivot/commit/ea8bf967785c04a18cde8d3315df46e5da1461f8 looks related [16:22:36] yes i have it but it not work [16:23:04] load.php?lang=it&modules=startup&only=scripts&raw=1&skin=pivot:8 Skipped unavailable module mediawiki.toc.styles [16:23:05] resolveStubbornly @ load.php?lang=it&modules=startup&only=scripts&raw=1&skin=pivot:8 [16:23:38] mediawiki.toc.styles was removed in 1.36 [16:23:57] the problem is they have disabled toc styles on 1.39 and the resourceloader mode not work [16:24:13] is deprecated in 1.36 ad removed in 1.39 [16:24:54] You might want to file a bug on phabricator [16:25:09] load.php?lang=it&modules=startup&only=scripts&raw=1&skin=pivot:8 Skipped unavailable module mediawiki.toc.styles [16:25:10] resolveStubbornly @ load.php?lang=it&modules=startup&only=scripts&raw=1&skin=pivot:8 [16:25:31] "ResourceModules": { [16:25:31]   "skins.golarion.styles": { [16:25:32]    "position": "top", [16:25:32]    "features": { [16:25:33]     "toc": true [16:25:33]    }, [16:25:34]    "styles": [ [16:25:34]     "assets/stylesheets/normalize.css", [16:25:35]     "assets/stylesheets/font-awesome.css", [16:25:35]     "assets/stylesheets/legacy.css", [16:25:36]     "assets/stylesheets/golarion.css", [16:25:36]     "assets/stylesheets/fontawsome.css", [16:25:37]     "assets/stylesheets/golarion-print.css" [16:25:37]    ] [16:25:38]   }, [16:25:54] Guest3883: hi, please use a pastebin in the future [16:26:21] sorry i'm ignorant and not wknow how to [16:34:07] Guest3883: if you go to https://dpaste.org you can copy/paste the stuff there, and then send the URL to that paste to this channel [16:35:42] but overall if the skin is depending on something that was removed, you'll ultimately need to figure out a different method of doing what you want to do [16:42:09] i've tried to add the toc style on my skin but the toggle not work i can see the label but the tec not get hidden [16:46:03] the problem is thet remove things and not offer alternatives, toc is completly a mediawiki function how the hell i'm supposed to fix it if i cannot access to it's code? [16:57:47] it's not clear exactly what's broken for you; looking into it, the reason the module was removed was because a lot of it was rolled into other modules that were loaded across all pages [16:58:10] for the bits that aren't, you can always just throw the css that used to be in that module into one of your skin's modules [16:58:47] i've triend and if i do the label get back but do nothing [16:59:58] the function are still on resources\src\mediawiki.toc the problem is how to enable them [17:06:45] https://dpaste.org/v5szT [18:01:11] gi [18:01:13] *hi [18:06:51] about the email thin frm last night why sendmail complains about relay access denied when sending emails to gmail for example [18:09:14] i havent setup a domain yet for emails i only setup sender and emergencycontact [18:10:00] i wonder if really need a domain but going from what badwolff sai i can "spoof" it [22:59:34] hey bawolff [22:59:42] hi biberao [23:00:33] bawolff: remember the mail thing about yesterday? [23:00:37] yes [23:01:31] im getting this server message: 454 4.7.1 : Relay access denied, need to find a way to use php mail() for now haha [23:30:07] biberao: You can't use sendmail to simply start spewing messages onto the internet... that's why messages will get dropped (and your host IP will get dinged for it) [23:30:32] i see [23:30:37] You would need to configure sendmail to 'smarthost' for your domain / transfer messages to another SMTP server [23:30:47] i see [23:31:17] But forget all that. Just setup $wgSMTP with a GMail account and app password if this is a hobby site. [23:32:03] ok cool [23:32:41] If it's a professional site, then pay for mail delivery via a service provider like SendGrid (not gonna mention any guns 😉 ) [23:34:45] haha [23:34:54] i was going to try mailgun [23:34:57] but requires a cc [23:34:59] :D