[00:35:20] Hello, tarball file for MediaWiki 1.39.1 is missing on releases.wikimedia.org? [00:35:23] What I'm supposed to do. [00:35:30] Downloading it from Gerrit isn't option for me right now. [00:35:59] Sorry for mixed points and question marks, my laptop is really slow today. [03:21:08] a major version upgrade would be nice [03:22:59] I think we could do it for 42 [03:23:34] that would give people the 40 and 41 cycles to adjust whatever tooling they have [03:23:41] (and us to adjust the release tooling!) [03:24:19] and we could do a some test tarballs w/ 41 so people can see what breaks [03:29:14] and you know, because 42 [03:34:37] docker image updates are submitted: https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/pull/13792 [12:19:25] legoktm: Thanks for submitting the PR, I am already waiting for the docker image so I can update my instances! :D