[04:09:14] why do you need everything lol [10:50:41] Quick poll: would people here find it annoying if edits to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_review/patch_board were relayed via a bot? [11:23:55] TheresNoTime: theres been works over the years to get rid bots from this channel, although in general there shouldn't be many edits to that page to cause issues [16:24:40] hola [19:50:07] can I just say — I hate MediaWiki template code [19:50:14] like... *hate* [19:52:02] TheresNoTime, :D [19:52:54] I have never understood it properly, it makes me feel very dumb and it's terrible and awful *deep breath* [19:54:50] RIIL [19:57:14] rust syntax would be even more horrible than wikitext [19:58:51] That's an L, not an R [19:58:57] and no, rust syntax is fine [19:59:24] TheresNoTime: +1 to that [20:01:49] only half joking with my "Delete all templates because MediaWiki template code is difficult" wish comment at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Community_Wishlist_Survey#The_voting_tool_(AddMe)_was_broken [20:06:03] Wikitext syntax is very simple [20:06:03] So simple you can't really do anything without Extension:ParserFunctions [20:06:43] And Scribunto or Variables+Arrays [20:10:06] TheresNoTime: Thanks for fixing the AddMe thing. But I won't be able to test because I've voted already using the ol' edit interface :P [20:11:23] You mean "the right way"? 😌 [20:12:21] I'm sure someone better at templates would have found the issue quicker ^^'