[00:43:51] does anyone know what could be causing this issue when using GMail for SMPT? [00:43:51] `Failed to connect to ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465 [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out (code: -1, response: )]` [00:43:51] I've followed https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgSMTP/Gmail and used an app password, but it keeps giving the same erorr [01:08:07] oh nevermind I found that port 465 was blocked my bad. [07:53:38] I finally managed to create the widget for a tabbed UI and I'm quite happy. There is one thing though: as it uses pure CSS and , I would like to add the "checked" attribute to the first input element. [07:53:50] My loop is this: [07:54:04] When I try: checked [07:54:41] I get Notice: Undefined property: Smarty_Variable::$iteration [07:56:00] Am I holding it wrong? [07:59:35] here's a screenshot so you can admire the result https://i.postimg.cc/NGdGShGp/tabswidget.png [08:02:15] I call it like {{#widget:Tabs|title.cpp=C++|title.java=Java...}} [08:32:01] buovjaga: maybe try: ... do stuff [08:32:30] buovjaga: As in, i think you need to give your foreach loop a name key, and then access the property via $smarty.foreach.LOOPNAMEHERE.iteration [08:32:49] Buuuut, this is much more advanced smarty then i am used to, so idk [08:33:06] Also, be careful with escaping, because it is really really easy to get wrong with smarty [10:48:17] bawolff3779[m]: holy wow, you solved it! Thanks a ton [12:03:46] bawolff3779[m]: here it is in production, never mind the broken syntax highlighting, it's an extension pending a fix: [12:03:47] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/DevGuide/First_Steps#The_FirstUnoContact_example [12:03:59] widget code: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/WikiAction/edit/Widget:Codetabs [12:18:01] You can see the working style & highlighting, if you click the [edit] in the section and click Show Preview [22:14:05] is there an easy way to add rel="nofollow" to all edit links and such? strangely this isn't the case by default... [22:22:59] I have no good reason for why the edit links aren't nofollow. [22:29:58] the edit page itself sets noindex, but yeah there's still a hit required to get that far, setting nofollow would be better [22:30:12] other than "because it adds XX extra bytes on each response" paranoia? :P [22:31:51] the page size expands to meet the needs of the expanding page size [22:33:29] denying index.php URLs in robots.txt (if you have pretty URLs set in another path, like /wiki for example) is also a good idea that will have the same effect