[00:00:34] looks like my php version wasn't right, thank you that's a huge help [00:01:11] you think 1.19, 1.27, etc and all LTS are good jumps to try? [00:02:59] Yes, that's a common path for a lot of people, so you should be following in some people's footsteps. It's probably still going to be annoying at times. [00:03:31] Take backups, etc etc [00:03:58] thanks for the tips! [10:59:20] sounds like an awful lot of work [11:18:20] right, search all working again, looks like ES doesn't have to be exactly 7.10.2 but i installed that anyway [12:25:25] Hi! I'd like to install MediaWiki and a couple of extensions (Maps and Semantic MediaWiki) on a Debian server. Debian doesn't have the extensions packaged, and the installation instructions point me towards Composer. Running Composer as root to overwrite dpkg-managed files isn't a good idea. Should I just run MediaWiki from the tarball? Is there a way to use Debian-packaged MediaWiki with extensions from Composer? [12:41:30] aitap: I don't think the Debian packages have any easy ways of installing extensions directly via Composer, no. In general directly installing dependencies via composer is not very well supported or encouraged (outside some extensions whose authors prefer it). [12:47:18] taavi, I didn't realise that such use of composer was not encouraged. Do you think there's a way to download the extensions separately from the MediaWiki installation? I have tried copying MediaWiki's composer.json into an empty directory, but I also need a lock file for a partial update, which Debian only has for the vendor/ directory. [12:49:24] aitap: for the "traditional" extension tarballs, you can add extensions to /var/lib/mediawiki/extensions and load them using wfLoadExtension() similarly to the extensions we have packages for [12:55:51] ...but making a traditional extension tarball from a composer package would be a non-trivial task, right? Composer gives me a minor truckload of files in the vendor/ subdirectory, which I'm not comfortable merging with /usr/share/mediawiki/vendor/ at all. I guess I'll have to run the tarball then. [12:59:32] not familiar enough how MW loads composer managed extensions to be sure, sorry. although MW supports loading extensions from an arbitrary file system path, so you might be able to have a separate directory with only those extensions installed and then load those extensions from there. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Extension_registration [13:07:12] Thanks for the pointer! https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Composer says that composer's autoload.php is included by WebStart.php. Currently it seems to be included by Setup.php shortly before loading LocalSettings.php. I'll try running require_once on the autoloader for my separately-downloaded extensions from LocalSettings.php and see what happens. [14:18:14] require_once "/path/to/autoloader.php" followed by wfLoadExtension(..., "/path/to/extension.json") appears to be working. At least I can see both SMW and Maps in the Special:Version page. [14:21:59] The require_once call definitely isn't scary [14:24:58] As far as I understand Composer, it has to be this way in order to make the dependencies downloaded under vendor/ available to the PHP process. I do agree that it sounds yucky. [14:25:23] MediaWiki does load the composer autoloader stuff eventually [14:25:29] You shouldn't need to be manually requiring it like that [14:26:33] in fact, MW does it part of its own autoloader [14:26:55] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/includes/AutoLoader.php#L294-L299 [14:28:49] That's true, but I can't let composer overwrite the distro-supplied stuff, so I'm downloading Composer-provided extensions in a separate directory. [14:32:32] Honestly, if you're doing that... Just grab the extensions yourself (via tarball or git) [14:32:48] And then if they need their own composer dependancies, run composer inside the extension directory [14:33:11] Potentially having multiple copies of things is a great way to get into a world of pain later [14:39:02] This does sound better than my idea. One question though: suppose I download a tarball of Maps, then run `composer update` inside extensions/Maps. Now I have extensions/Maps/vendor/autoload.php. Is there a process that makes sure that extensions/Maps/vendor/* is available to PHP? [14:44:12] Maps in particular only has Composer as the supported way of installation. "You can also do it manually by transplanting Composer-modified files from a different MediaWiki installation": . Maybe I should have run from the tarball. [14:52:12] MediaWiki will load vendor stuff for extensions automatically if... [14:52:46] https://github.com/ProfessionalWiki/Maps/blob/master/extension.json#L353 that line exists [14:53:43] That's great to know, thanks! [15:32:50] isn't composer related to containerized installation? [15:33:04] since i never needed it for mw [15:44:20] no [15:44:40] if you use the tarball, and don't install any fancy extra extensions, you won't need to touch composer [16:10:47] right, the extensions i'm using came in tarballs [16:29:09] I'm definitely switching to tarballs, even if I have to generate them manually. Configuring my web server to serve assets not from the normal mediawiki root is too hard. [16:29:15] Thanks everyone. [18:56:31] Nikerabbit: When I move intuition to gerrit, what needs to be done for twn and should we do it online or can one happen after the other? [19:05:30] Krinkle: which repo(s) specifically are we talking about? [19:07:52] https://github.com/Krinkle/intuition [19:11:17] if it is pure move only need to update repo settings in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/translatewiki/+/7520415bd054f1effc8c8d6e9943390b55e26f42/repoconfig.yaml#242