[07:00:18] I'm still stuck with a translatable template not being rendered inside https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Template:Documentation/Calc_Functions/COUP_Functions_Arguments [07:00:43] with {{ {{TNTN|Documentation/Calc_Functions/FinancialFunction_Basis}} }} or any other way [08:10:15] I'm working on a special page extension, and it doesn't seem to be respecting the restriction I've given in the constructor. According to the documentation, it should be as simple as adding the required permission to the constructor, a la parent::__construct('Name', 'right'), but I can view the special page even while logged out. Is there something I'm missing? [08:11:04] I even tried calling $this->userCanExecute($user) for good measure. No luck with that, either. [08:13:00] Oh, nevermind. I'm supposed to call $this->checkPermissions() [18:01:09] Does MW_DB (ie --wiki) in maintenace scripts get used to open DB connections, or is it there simply as a method of helping wiki farms/families select the relevant wiki to then grab the right settings for a script? [21:23:36] Lcawte: the latter. As you can see in https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/search/?q=MW_DB&i=nope&files=&excludeFiles=&repos= -- nothing in core actually uses the value. It's purely there so you can hook it into your own stuff to determine which wiki to operate on [22:11:33] if I move my MW installation to a different directory, like from /var/www/wiki to /var/www/foo/wiki, what potential issues do I need to be aware of? I've noticed that the SQL database contains references to absolute file names but I don't know if it's just a cache of sorts or will break... [22:14:53] depends what tables those references were in... [22:15:22] I don't know, because I just grepped my filesystem and some database files matched, lol [22:16:36] I would think offhand it's just caches [22:17:34] uploadstash has some paths.... [22:17:48] but most of anything should be relative to the wiki directory etc [22:19:18] What did you actually find? [22:19:31] paths to images? json files? cdb? php files? [22:22:32] Reedy: mostly I see php, json, xml, and directory names [22:22:57] any examples? [22:23:58] the majority is from $IP/extensions, and seem to be special php files like foo.i18n.magic.php and foo.alias.php [22:24:47] sounds localisation cache related then [22:24:55] yeah, from 132 lines returned by the "strings" unix tool, all but 28 contain "i18n" [22:25:14] and when I look at the remaining ones, some also sound language related [22:25:18] I wouldn't worry about those then [22:25:20] What are the 28? [22:25:35] some are the .alias.php files [22:25:47] Thoes are localisation too [22:26:02] some are plurals.xml and plurals-mediawiki.xml [22:27:14] do you run Translate? [22:28:15] is that an extension? if so I don't have it. I use interwiki to have separate wikis for different languages. [22:28:59] with a "foreign file repo" for the non-default ones so they share the files from the main wiki [22:29:17] seems plurals.xml is in MW core [22:29:20] but again, l10n related [22:30:25] I've actually moved the wiki already but have a symlink from the old location. is there a way I can purge all sorts of caches ('purgeList.php --all-namespaces' didn't help) and see if it correctly rebuilds the file paths in the DB? [22:30:59] rebuildLocalisationCache.php is probably what you're looking for [22:31:29] thx, running it... [22:32:51] perfect, no references to the old path left in /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1 [23:46:24] Hi all, with Brian's help yesterday about the oauth 2 issue, I found the aws apache is eliminating the Authorization header value, so I made some changes to the apache conf file and now I can see the access token is successfully passed to the wiki, however it still doesnt work, getting this error "[session] Bad OAuth request from {ip}", here is the [23:46:25] log from the wiki log file: https://pastebin.pl/view/0f9a24f5 [23:46:56] Anyone has idea what could be the problem? [23:48:29] the error received in Postman is: "code": "mwoauth-invalid-authorization", "info": "The authorization headers in your request are not valid: Invalid access token" [23:49:45] I tried to create a few access token but all getting same error. I feel I am close, but not sure what to do next...