[16:11:06] phabricator task created by me can be made private or not? [16:30:23] Yes, although it misses the point, because once created public, it's advertised in a lot of places [16:33:05] Vulpix how to make it private [16:34:34] Apparently, only a phabricator admin can change visibility of tasks [16:35:20] okay thanks for help [16:35:51] Nikhil61: PM me the link [16:38:45] No I have not created the task yet but if required i will. Thanks. [16:38:52] I thought almost anyone could do that, through some phab acl wizardry [16:41:05] I tried editing a random task but I don't see any field to change the visibility [16:41:43] I don't know if adding some specific project like Security would do its magic [16:43:43] pretty sure the "report a security vulnerability" form for reporting a new issue and "protect as a security issue" link on regular, existing tasks are the only ways for mere mortals to make a task private [16:45:53] Oh, I totally overlooked the "protect as a security issue" link