[00:12:23] Thanks! [21:45:59] does anyone know why this isn't working, or if I'm missing something simple? I'm trying to rewrite /sitemap.xml to sitemap.php. I've verified that sitemap.php works at domain.com/sitemap.php but the rewrite doesn't seem to work? [21:46:00] ` RewriteRule ^sitemap\.xml$ sitemap.php [L]` [21:46:21] * does anyone know why this isn't working, or if I'm missing something simple? I'm trying to rewrite /sitemap.xml to sitemap.php. I've verified that sitemap.php works at domain.com/sitemap.php but the rewrite doesn't seem to work? [21:46:21] ` RewriteRule ^sitemap\.xml$ sitemap.php [L]` [21:46:21] Instead it jumps to the next one which is [21:46:21] `ErrorDocument 404 /404.php` [21:47:06] (This is Apache btw) [23:47:24] OriginalAuthorit: try RewriteRule ^/sitemap\.xml$ sitemap.php [L] [23:59:01] that doesn't seem to work either hmmm