[00:14:59] In general you need a condition first before the rule applies [00:16:50] If testing, try it out in .htaccess so you can vary it and see results instantly (in a DEV environment) [00:16:51] Move the final config into httpd.conf for performance benefits [00:19:52] that leading / is needed in httpd conf vs htaccess (not sure in which) [00:24:06] You can always do a /? to make it "portable" [00:26:40] If you get stuck, turn up the log level (only in DEV! and be sure to turn it down after) so you can see what mod rewrite is doing [00:32:43] rundg[m]> You can always do a /? to make it "portable" → indeed. But it's something easy to bite you if you are not aware of that [00:49:38] I'm curious why you want to redirect, since I believe Google wants the xml. Of course your .php could vary output based on the user agent so you can give Google what it wants while also ? Generating fresh xml on request ? [00:51:12] IIRC, the sitemap extension generates xml on a cron schedule [01:08:36] that's how i use that script as well. Drop all the xml files in a folder, and then load them to webmaster tools/add them to robots [06:21:30] Rundg, it’s for a wiki farm, so it needs to vary based on the database name. (The contents of the sitemap generated by the php class is xml. [18:42:01] hello, i'm trying to use the widget extension. is there any way I can include the contents of one widget in another? i'm asking because i'd like to make a widget which includes javascript, so i'd like to have one page with the javascript content model for the script and another for the main widget. [19:48:01] chili-b: I think smarty supports that, but it has a weird syntax. There's like some sort of include tag, and you have to like us ethe protocol wiki: [19:48:16] sorry, i don't remember precisely what it is [19:49:27] chili-b: Like, maybe it was something like <~-{include file="wiki:template_name"}--> but I'm not sure [19:57:40] bawolff: that was exactly right, thanks! [20:49:59] Hello, does anyone know how to prevent anonymous user from using the search function? I have a private wiki and only want logged in user to be able to search [20:58:36] Huh [21:01:51] Guest7724, if you want to disable access to all pages, including search, use https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Preventing_access#Restrict_viewing_of_all_pages [21:04:07] I do have some pages that I want them to be able to view [21:04:20] so it is just partially private. [21:05:02] you can use the https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgWhitelistRead setting to allow access to a list of pages [21:07:00] will try, thank you. So there is no quick way to just disable search based on user groups? [21:12:07] No [21:12:07] But anyway the search should only display pages that the user group has read access to [21:16:37] it looks like it does show all search results, but when user click on those limited access page they will not be able to open it [21:27:35] If you already managed to restrict some pages then why not Special:Search as well [21:27:35] It should make it unavailable [21:31:47] though you'd still be able to search via the API that way [21:33:48] you can use https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgSpecialPages to disable the special page [21:34:48] however, I will draw your attention to the large red warning messages at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Preventing_access#Restrict_viewing [21:35:34] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Preventing_access#Restrict_viewing_of_certain_specific_pages more specifically