[18:05:33] How complex would it be in mediawiki to allow Password-less auth using passkeys? [18:06:19] And would it be a stupid idea to create a task [18:47:57] depends if you're intending to use it on a multidomain wikifarm or not [18:48:08] (and how familiar you are with the mw auth system) [18:59:13] AntiComposite: using centralauth or whatever becomes with it [18:59:49] and i definitely ain't developing it, more wondering if it's unreasonable to create a task in case i'm missing something super obvious [18:59:57] yeah good luck with that, passkeys will have the same problems as FIDO 2FA until the whole login system is rewritten [19:00:29] AntiComposite: so it's likely blocked on the CA rewrite to use one wiki for auth [19:00:37] right [19:00:44] because FIDO 2FA only works on the signed up wiki [19:01:01] not sure if that's a FIDO or mw implementation issue [19:08:48] I imagine a fido thing - part of the goal of fido is to prevent phishing - which motivates only allowing singing in on a specific domain [19:17:56] bawolff: true [19:18:18] bawolff: future CA is an SSO wiki though [19:20:43] it is a limitation of the standard (not being able to specify multiple domains) that MediaWiki has not worked around in its implementation [21:35:43] i pressed f12 to see if i get an error and visual edtior still goes back to just read mode