[00:51:12] Heya, I'm looking for a way to automatically display a banner on all pages that were last updated before YYYY.MM.DD (because something will/did happen on that date which affects the up-to-date-ness of the content; this is about a video game wiki) [00:52:58] taylan: you could have a template that looks at {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}}, but then adding the template would be an update to the page :( [00:53:09] taylan: Probably javascript is your best bet [00:53:16] or a mediawiki extension [00:55:17] On the javascript side, you could look at mw.config.get( 'wgRevisionId' ) which is an integer, but revision ids go in order, so you could know if its past some date [00:58:41] bawolff: cool, thanks for the idea! [01:00:20] the skin has a last edited date, the javascript could check that [12:20:52] I've installed EmbedVideo and it seems to be mis-detecting the size of videos, any tips? example file: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/File:Video.webm [12:21:27] ffprobe confirms that it's 2200x1160, not 640x1137 [12:47:57] the weird 640x1137 was due to a bug in the extension where it sets the default width to 640 and then height = width * 16 / 9, which should really be width * 9 / 16, in other words it's using an aspect ratio of 9:16 instead of 16:9 with the default width of 640, LOL [12:48:11] and to make it actually get the real video resolution I had to purge the cache for some reason, now it works