[11:14:48] How can I use the DiscussionTools (which require VisualEditor) without turning on VisualEditor for regular pages? I tried to set "$wgVisualEditorAvailableNamespaces" to false for "Main" but that didnt help [14:37:04] Hm so it seems like https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:VisualEditor#Changing_active_namespaces is wrong, I had to use NS_MAIN instead of "Main" [14:43:50] you can update the documenation of course.... [14:50:04] Main doesn't exist as a prefix. The main namespace has the identifier NS_MAIN (A constant with the numerical value 0) and pages do not have a namespace prefix when they are part of that namespace. [14:50:44] VisualEditorAvailableNamespaces apparently takes an array of either IDs (numbers) => boolean, or canonical namespace names => boolean [14:51:14] but as main has no canonical namespace name, you have to use the id: NS_MAIN aka 0 [15:52:59] dj_hartman0[m]: Thanks for clarifying! :)