[18:03:44] duesen: we managed to resolve the parsoid warmup issue it looks like [18:04:49] we were using a script within the prometheus redis exporter to gather metrics for the job queue which caused things to halt (and especially more prevalent when there's a sudden increase in job queue) [18:05:28] I've reworked things that improved the performance quite considerably (by using prometheus-node exporter node.d directory). Also managed to fix memory and cpu usage. [18:05:50] But the one thing is that the root jobs just build up and up (never deleted) [18:06:09] the comment at the top indicates it's deleted when the job is ran [22:50:55] I'm a bit surprised. Looks like all tokens are different on each reload. Shouldn't they be consistent during the entire session? (logged-in) https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=tokens&type=*