[19:22:16] got it running [19:22:56] didn't look into using and admin it yet [19:23:30] it all got up and running [19:27:37] do you have any suggestion on how to preseed it with brittanica [20:12:40] Hello gents, I'm having trouble with an error 'LogicException: Process cache for 'en' should be set by now.' A backtrace can be seen at https://wiki.commodorian.org/. Any clue what I can fix for this to magically work? I've tried updating the wiki to a new version, and subsequently running maintenance/update.php. The wiki's SQL user can log in just fine. [20:15:12] PHP does appear to be above 7.4.3, being 7.4.33. Everything is cluing me in to say this should work, and my search engine has been fruitless when it comes to this error, only giving me a discussion page that has quite a lot of confused folk on it. [20:28:04] commodorian: funny timing [20:28:19] commodorian: you could try enabling structured logging and checking the detailed error log [20:30:31] commodorian: also, what do you have set for cache-related variables in your LocalSettings.php? [20:30:49] the $wg*CacheType variables [20:30:54] CACHE_NONE [20:33:29] commodorian: include this file (correct the paths of course) from your LocalSettings.php: https://paste.ee/p/z5S4A [20:33:53] for example using `require_once "$IP/MonologSettings.php";` [20:34:13] (if you put it in the same directory as LocalSettings.php and name it MonologSettings.php) [20:34:38] you might need to run `composer update --no-dev` (I am not sure) [20:35:33] this will give you a very detailed log and you might find what exactly throws [20:40:09] colorful guy there that commodorian [20:40:25] did you look at his site [20:44:21] I am indeed ;) [20:44:52] this wiki question is part of a wiki migration for a certain webcomic [20:45:51] Does this monolog thing require quite a bit of libraries loaded from composer? OpenBSD's current composer version does not play well with me running such an old version of PHP. [20:46:25] migrating does that mean pirating [20:46:52] No. Just moving hosts. Old one keeps running out of disk space. [20:47:09] migraters are comming! migraters are comming! \o/ [20:48:01] you can count on demon and his 7 hosts for migration support [20:48:30] are these your gents commodorian ? [20:48:33] Any of you fellas reckon setting *a* cache would do the trick? Now that I'm moving hosts I've got a lot of room to cache stuff. [20:50:18] migraters are comming! to sack the owner migraters are comming! \o/ [20:50:35] just look at #termux fornwall got sacked [20:50:42] commodorian: I highly recommend that you install APCu and set $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_ACCEL; [20:50:53] I'll give that a go. [20:51:07] they were so kind as to advertise his donation links in bad light [20:51:41] commodorian: yeah you giving demon tech support a go ? [20:52:02] commodorian: also note that if you are doing load balancing (which I doubt) you will need to use memcached or database for sessions [20:52:10] does that demon go by the name ihop? [20:52:42] oh load balancing is the demon door? [20:52:52] since CACHE_ACCEL is local machine only, and users hitting different hosts will have to re-authenticate [20:53:25] btw about third party cookies [20:54:08] does mediawiki call a third party cookie with default install? like from php.net or something [20:54:49] commodorian: I also run Varnish in front of MW but this is because I get quite a bit of traffic; it is a bit of a pain to set up so it makes no real sense for low-visitor-count wikis [20:55:22] Yeah, we've got a small operation. Will be cool to learn new things if the wiki gets big in the future though. [20:55:56] I haven't been able to pin down if it is a chrome bug or if mediawiki really uses a third party cookie or if it is a lablel that doesnt match localhost on the cookie [20:56:00] commodorian: re: composer, you only need it if MW fails to run due to missing dependencies after you enable Monolog [20:56:43] (and you really should consider upgrading php to 8.2 if possible) [20:56:54] that is what I noticed in my yestrun along with demon being a signed on dev of mediawiki [20:57:12] test run of mediawiki [20:57:34] I will try :) I'll need to update to at least 8.1.* for composer to work. [20:58:19] unless you have a ton of old extensions MW 1.39/1.40/1.41 should work with 8.1 and 8.2 fine [20:59:53] what about cookies [21:00:09] is that really a third party cookie [21:39:37] is that really a third party cookie [21:48:52] MediaWiki does not use third-party cookies unless you install an extension that does [21:51:28] Does appear that we're getting further now. I'm getting a "Cannot access the database" error. Good! New error. I've checked the auth info in LocalSettings.php, looks like it should just work. [21:52:11] disregard. Wrong SQL host.