[00:06:46] looks like I want https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Auth_remoteuser . Works [03:50:08] chmod: cannot access `/path/to/extensions/Scribunto/includes/Engines/LuaStandalone/binaries/lua5_1_5_linux_64_generic/lua': No such file or directory [03:50:24] how do i make this so it works [04:10:08] I'm baaaaack [04:11:21] Having an issue with the wiki where pages that do exist report as "no text on this page" when you attempt to navigate to them. E.g. https://mywiki.org/Page_That_Exists spits out 'There is currently no text in this page.' [04:11:29] Any clue what I might be missing here? [04:12:01] Also it appears I can't log in. Or at least the UI doesn't show me as logged in. [04:21:42] Update: I can log in. And the interface works now. This is yet another migration, this time of domain names. Still on the same server though. Is there anything other than updating the domain in LocalSettings that I need to do? [05:05:30] https://fanapedia.filmpedia.us/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=Special%3ALog%2Fblock&returntoquery=page%3DUser%253A99.77.98.27%26type%3Dblock [05:05:43] how do i fix this centrelauth error [05:19:13] never mind fixed [07:29:08] CheckUserInsertChangesRowHook" not found [07:29:23] how do i fix this issue with abuse filter it happens when trying to make an account [07:33:27] Cocopuff2018: As previously mentioned (multiple times), providing very little information about a error message makes it also impossible to assist you [07:34:37] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/hwurPcKG/ [07:34:49] error when making an account [16:52:36] how do i generate this table filmnprl_centralauth.mw2m_l10n_cache' doesn't exist [17:02:01] i cant seem to generate the table for it [17:10:30] is there anyone here that could help with mariadb problems?? it started as "incorrect definition of table mysql.column_stats: expected column'histogram' at position 10 to have type longblob, found type varbinary(255)" both mediawiki and mariadb are docker :stable [17:19:21] after "fixing" that, i no longer have that error. however on trying to access any of the wiki pages i get an error page saying that there is no text in this page [17:21:57] how did you fix that? That looks like an incomplete/failed mysql upgrade [17:22:50] mysql/mariadb [17:23:33] @vuloix how do i fix the generate this table filmnprl_centralauth.mw2m_l10n_cache' doesn't exist [17:24:38] https://mariadb.com/kb/en/incorrect-definition-of-table-mysql-column_stats-after-upgrade-from-10-6-5-/ where you add "MARIADB_AUTO_UPGRADE=1" to the environment section of your docker-compose file [17:24:54] Cocopuff2018: that looks like it's trying to access a database with an incomplete/missing mediawiki installation. Maybe you're pointing to a wrong database? [17:25:34] well on my end its all pointing to the right place [17:26:13] @vulpix how would i generate the appropraite table [17:26:33] Cocopuff2018: run the mediawiki installer on that db [17:26:36] followed by https://help.nextcloud.com/t/incorrect-definition-of-table-mysql-column-stats-expected-column-histogram-at-position-10-to-have-type-longblob-found-type-varbinary-255/145513 where you run the command against the database. p.s. 'SELECT * FROM text;" shows that i still have all the text i put in [17:28:38] javabean: are you upgrading MediaWiki from an old version? Be sure to run the upgrade script. Note, also, that very recent versions can't be upgraded from very old versions, they need to step on some LTS versions [17:29:10] also, the error about missing text is somewhat familiar with the "actor migration" [17:29:36] @vulpix were is the mediawiki installer at? [17:29:56] Be sure to backup your wiki's database before upgrading, since the actor migration is prone to errors or data loss [17:30:04] !install [17:30:04] Installing MediaWiki takes between 10 and 30 minutes, and involves uploading/copying files and running the installer script to configure the software. Full instructions can be found in the INSTALL file supplied in the distribution archive. An installation manual can also be found at . See also: !download [17:30:17] Cocopuff2018: read the manual? :) [17:30:23] ok [17:31:17] im not trying to install mediawiki im trying to fix this table issue [17:32:15] last wednesday after i recieved an update to the docker from y'all (docker pull mediawiki/mariadb is what is used) i installed and tested it and it worked fine. there was an update i recieved from sunday that i didn't check before pushing that is what caused the issue. the last mariadb docker update recieved was on sunday the 17th [17:35:00] It would be good to know from what version were you upgrading from... While mariadb can automatically apply schema updates itself, MediaWiki needs to run update.php manually. Well, I don't use MediaWiki docker on production, but I don't think it automatically runs it on each start [17:37:52] damn. this install is more than a year old. i don't know what "Version" it started as [17:37:53] 1.41.0 was released like a week ago. Maybe you jumped from 1.40 to 1.41? Most breaking changes were between 1.38 and 1.39 IIRC [17:38:35] try running the maintenance/update.php script... [17:41:47] .... dude... ok so, i have release notes for 1.36 in the folder so... but yeah, directly running the update.php file from within that docker container seems to have saved me. p.s. don't trust cron for making backups of your database/setup [17:42:48] top of the output from running that says it is the 1.41.0 updater [17:47:19] that was a scary upgrade, I hope you didn't get any errors when running update.php [17:49:16] there was no errors reported in the scripts output [18:06:54] further, the content of the wiki seems right. so, success? [18:15:35] cocopuff, please keep help requests in the channel. don't dm them [18:59:21] ok