[01:45:44] Hello everyone [01:47:41] I would like to work on this issue 'Dark Mode for BookBrainz Website' , I don't know the file structure , [01:48:05] can someone help me with this !! [12:08:12] Good morning everyone, happy new year! Wondering if there is an easy way to sort categories by the number of pages under it? say I have category CAT1 CAT2 CAT3, CAT1 has 10 pages under it, CAT2 has 20, CAT3 has 30, is there any easy way to quickly get a list of them with CAT3 being 1st, CAT2 being 2nd, and CAT1 being 3rd? [12:27:25] Guest27: MediaWiki stores the number of pages of a category internally on a table, so this should be something cheap to do querying the database. However, there's no wikicode syntax to get that sort... [13:16:13] I was trying to avoid writing some code making some API call to get the numbers, sounds like there is no better way.. [21:40:46] We're having some issues related to updating image versions. I've heard that sometimes the page retains the old image's aspect ratio which warps the current image or vice versa, the aspect ratio updates but the image doesn't. [21:40:58] It seems to resolve itself in due time, but is there a way to speed it along? [21:45:32] purging/null editing pages? [21:48:34] purging the page doesn't work. The problem usually is the image is cached by the browser, and the browser doesn't constantly check if the image has been updated. Be sure your images are served with a cache-control that includes "must-revalidate" [21:50:33] The most effective way to get rid of this problem would be to make image URLs versioned (by sha, timestamp, etc). However, nobody seems to have tackled this problem yet at MediaWiki core [21:53:09] This can be done easily with an extension, though. My approach was this one https://github.com/ciencia/mediawiki-extensions-WikiDexFileRepository which requires some rules at nginx. Adding the timestamp as a query string would probably avoid having to add rewrite rules, but I found those URLs more clean [22:00:13] I'll look into it, thanks. [23:01:38] The rewrite rules seem quite complicated, lots of RegEx. [23:04:18] Also turns out they're not doing anythinig on my end. [23:56:03] I got it to partially work, it can show old versions of a file, but not the latest.