[08:26:01] Anyone have a good solution to adding custom HTML to the skins? I used to use the old MonoBookTemplate.php and SkinMonoBook.php, and now those are gone in favor of mustache. We used checks to see if the user was eligible to see ads (not logged in, viewing a page in select namespaces, etc), which makes it difficult to use the mustache templates. [08:48:00] Actually looks like MonoBook is fundamentally different from other skins now? The rest still have their templates. [08:58:24] Looking at this from a different angle, could I maybe run some checks beforehand and send json data to the mustache template? [09:25:43] the skin system is such a mess these days [09:26:27] but obviously I'd recommend the solution I wrote: [[mw:Extension:ShoutWiki Ads]] ; supports various ad slots in MonoBook and various other skins and is maintained & compatible w/ 1.39 :) [09:27:13] (full disclaimer: obviously it can't work around *all* stup--I mean, "unusually creative" solutions that some skins and/or MW core does, but...) [09:34:06] Hell, I'll give it a shot. Better than nothing. [09:36:20] lemme know how it goes, and best of luck! [18:10:18] Is there a way to put the API on a personal wiki? [18:10:31] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main_page [18:10:59] You mean the documentation? [18:11:07] Cause the API is included with all mediawiki installs [18:11:12] I mean the functionality [18:11:24] Ok thanks [18:12:02] !api [18:12:02] The MediaWiki API provides direct, high-level access to the data contained in the MediaWiki databases. Client programs should be able to use the API to login, get data, and post changes. Find out more at < https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API >. For client libraries in various languages, see < https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Client_Code >. [18:12:06] not very helpful [18:12:22] if you're struggling to find it, click edit on a page [18:12:22] https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=API:Main_page&action=edit [18:12:36] then just replace index.php, to the end of the line with api.php [18:12:42] https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php [18:12:51] ok thank you that answered my question, my wiki needs to be updated I believe [18:26:53] I have an independent wiki project and am looking for a way to upload articles (pages) from many Word documents I have in a local folder [18:52:56] so i created the databases and used $wgRegexblockDatabase = "filmnprl_Regexblock"; along with used https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-RegexBlock/tree/master/sql what am i missing i did all the instructions + updated php [18:53:14] filmnprl_Regexblock is the database name [18:57:34] Did you properly set up your LoadBalancer config to tell it about the database? [18:59:31] nope how i do that? [19:07:48] ? [19:08:07] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgLBFactoryConf