[08:56:58] Is there a way on mediawiki to make a text that will output the name of the logged-in user? [08:57:44] * KREYREN is making a wiki page on linux-sunxi.org for OLIMEX Teres-1 and he wants to make it into an epic DnD-like adventure so that the text starts as: So you are finally here.. I've been expecting you USERNAME [08:58:57] from memory theres a extension that will add it, but it will break any page caching that you have setup [08:59:41] Actually i fixed one of them, so it will only break caching for logged in users but not logged out users [08:59:55] !e MyVariables | KREYREN [08:59:55] KREYREN: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MyVariables_ [09:00:21] [there are other ones as well, several people have made them] [09:00:31] They will have a performance impact [09:15:20] bawolff, thanks! [17:11:19] I'm trying to understand git branches of the form RELX_YZ in extensions. Extension:Theme has a REL1_41 branch which has commits that seem in no other branch; not even in master. How come? [17:14:28] taylan: commits other than translation backports? [17:15:33] looks like translations and "libraryupgrader" stuff [17:24:16] taylan: release branches live their own life, it's not just backports [17:29:08] the equivalent LibUp patch on master is failing in CI [17:38:32] for some (many? most?) extensions the existence of the REL_* branches is more of a coincidence than intentional...anything, really [18:40:39] Looking for a good way to add a global menu to the monobook skin. I experimented with the ShoutWiki Ads extension and found that it was a pretty good inspiration for writing one that can do what we need, but the big problem I'm running into now is that I don't know how to get our top menu outside of the article content space. I tried using the onBeforePageDisplay hook with prependHTML but found that it would stick the menu in the [18:40:39] content, which breaks it. [18:47:15] Ideally, if we could situationally add it to the absolute top of the global wrapper before anything else, that would be perfect. I'm just not sure how to go about doing that, as I'm pretty sure OutputPage only allows you to modify content within the article space. [19:19:14] Okay, I have a more direct question: is there a hook that will allow me to customize page text before the
is created? That's what I'm looking for. [19:34:02] basically tl,dr: no. div#content and such are created by skins and not every skin is even guaranteed to have such a div etc. [19:36:40] (if you're looking for something 100% unholy, probably not very performant and otherwise prone to causing you and your fellow devs nightmares for years to come by...you may check out the BeforePageDisplay hook handler in the SportsTeams extension -- it customizes Special:CreateAccount in a horrible, yet functional, way...and even though the idea wasn't mine, I still can't really recommend it) [19:45:53] Oh god [19:46:07] Well, on the bright side, I found another unholy hack. Just echo the menu in your extension. [19:46:16] Technically it works... [19:48:47] I mean hell, even if I could just get access to the creation of the global wrapper, I could put it in there. I think that's a common thing with all skins, right? [19:49:18] And technically, I don't even really need to worry about other skins. We only support MonoBook as our default "logged out" skin [19:49:42] Anyone logged in gets no ads, so there's no reason for us to show the different design anyway at that point [19:50:12] And if you want to customize your browser to add &useskin=vector to every page, then kudos. [22:12:42] Is the Page Content Service something developed exclusively for WMF wikis? I'm under the impression that it was supposed to replace the MCS from MobileFrontend, but the documentation is so sparse in how to actually use it that I'm not sure third party wikis are even supposed to. [22:13:29] We had an app built entirely on the API provided by the MCS API from the extension, but now it's discontinued and I'm having trouble figuring out what we're supposed to do instead. [22:15:42] I mean... I'm under the impression that the devs surely wouldn't just delete an entire API and say "we don't really give a shit if you guys used this, screw off" [23:56:19] jfolv: I honestly don't think anyone "in charge" at WMF ever considered that a non-Wikimedia wiki might install or use MCS or PCS. [23:58:39] The link to a non-public google doc on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/2885/ I think is one pretty strong signal that this has to date been considered some specialty service for Wikimedia wikis rather than a general purpose MediaWiki support service