[14:40:37] Hi all, question for the group. Do we have a single support channel for Wikimedia browser extension apps (ie for Chrome, Firefox)? [15:01:03] what browser extension apps? [15:55:24] Any of them? But so far, specifically: WikimediaDebug, Wikipedia Reading Lists, Citation Needed, [15:57:59] What support do you need? [15:58:22] They're owned by very different teams, so phabricator may be easiest in many cases [16:05:59] So I'm asking on behalf of Nat Baca and Elias Rut. They need to deploy an extension to the Chrome Webstore for their Citation Needed project. They really aren't sure where to start here. I'm attempting to point them in the right direction. [16:05:59] Full request as follows: [16:05:59] ------- [16:06:00] We are looking to deploy an extension to the Chrome Web Store for our Citation Needed project. We'd like to be able to use the Wikimedia Foundation account , as seen in the Wikimedia Debug extension here: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/wikimediadebug/binmakecefompkjggiklgjenddjoifbb . Are we able to use this for our purposes to post the extension / would you be able to add me and Elias Rut [16:06:00] developers who could post this extension to the store under this account? [16:06:01] Separate from the question of this particular extension, would it be possible for ITS to manage the "Wikimedia Foundation" Google Chrome Extension Developer Account? It has been quite difficult to track down ownership of this account and the logistics of using it, and I'm still tracking down leads / haven't completely solved this yet. We've also got several extensions floating around that are associated with this account. [16:06:02] ------- [16:06:03] Now, ITS handles service desk/desktop support and server/saas systems to do with operations. We don't do dev accounts or support web extensions. So I don't think us assuming management over the webstore is going to happen. However, definitely I want to see if I can find out who they can talk to. [16:18:05] I'd expect anyone working on an organization would follow their organizational chart and ask to their immediate superior in the hierarchy, or directly contact someone from the possible target area of interest, not ask for a general support forum [16:22:55] I think there's a discussion about process to be had here. My main interest at this point is to help a user who asked me for support, after which point I will see about documenting procedures. [16:26:30] Have you contacted the releng team? as per https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikimediaDebug#Code_steward (at least) [16:30:49] That's probably my next stop. [16:36:02] This feels a bit dejavu... Wasn't there a conversation on slack about this recently? [16:56:51] Not recently. But I do think several months ago there was a discussion about having a more consolidated support channel for issues related to the engineering scope. In that instance, I think there was a back and forth trying to clear up a 2fa issue or something. Very vaguely recall. But it needed to be escalated to someone on the engineering team, since it fell well outside ITS' capabilities. [16:58:44] On the F&A side, a lot of departments use Zendesk and it's worked out really well. But I notice on other teams it's a hodge podge of Talk Pages, Phabricator tasks, Slack channel outreach, and IRC. For end users that can be very dizzying and cause a lot of confusion. [17:05:00] This is partially covered by some of the ERC and the.. Team Interface stuff