[04:33:01] How can I set up MW tables in a empty database? update.php failed with 'ERROR: relation "page" does not exist' [05:30:09] install.php [09:17:34] Nikerabbit: install.php seems not suitable for working with shareDB? [09:18:29] Should I set $wgSharedDB on the shared wiki (i.e. may $wgSharedDB == $wgDBname [22:01:36] trying to install on debian 12 with podman-compose but no luck. looking for some help [22:16:27] when trying to configure with mariadb, i get: [22:16:28] ``` [22:16:28] Cannot access the database: :real_connect(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory. [22:16:29] Check the host, username and password and try again. If using "localhost" as the database host, try using "" instead (or vice versa). [22:16:29] ``` [22:16:30] changing " Database host" to "" didn't help. [22:17:19] if you're using podman-compose, your database likely has its own service in the compose file, no? [22:17:35] then you'd have to use that as the hostname for the db in the mediawiki config [22:21:11] yes, db has its own container like this (slightly toward the bottom of the page): https://hub.docker.com/_/mediawiki [22:23:19] in that case, the hostname for the database in LocalSettings.php would be "database" [22:33:29] got the same error when using database as "Database host" during config guide [22:43:49] in fact, i have the wiki running the configuration guide right now at https://roomlab.eu/ It's using exact the same compose file as dockerhub documented. not sure how to debug at such early step.