[07:20:40] Hello all, I've got a bit of a problem with the LDAPAuthenticator2 extension.  I just upgraded from MW 1.34 (via 1.39) to the latest 1.42, and have made what I think are the correct config updates and run.php update.php, but I no longer get the domain chooser on the login page [07:21:43] I can add multiple plugin defintions to $wgPluggableAuth_Config but that just gives me one User/Pass textbox and many "login" buttons. [07:22:16] I'm sure this is somehow my fault, but I am struggling to see how. [07:23:40] Is this the right place to ask fo rhelp?  I tried reading the code, but it's a little too abstract and complex to follow immediately. (too many Factories for my simple brain) [07:26:29] Maybe a simpler first question is: what's the best way to inspect a PHP object at runtime, to see if my config parameters are getting parsed in to the right place? [07:58:04] Nedlinpopo: use var_dump( $variableNameHere ); to inspect an object at runtime [07:58:29] sorry, can't help you further as i don't know much about LDAP [07:58:44] is there an obvious place in mw to do that? [07:59:03] (index.php?) [07:59:41] You can run the maintenance script eval.php to execute php scripts from command line in the context of mediawiki [07:59:43] well the LDAP part is actually fine, but the plugin is either fighting hard or bugged [08:00:07] oooh tha's handy [08:00:16] Alternatively, people often put debugging statements right near where its used [08:00:49] You can also do in LocalSettings.php $wgExtensionFunctions[] = function () { global $wgFoo; var_dump( $wgFoo ); }; to run some code after all setup is done [08:02:55] so eval.php says that my config vars are what i thought :/ [08:03:13] maybe this is very plugin specific [08:03:54] are all php arrays essentially dictionaries (associative arrays/hashes)? [08:19:19] okay, progress!  I found where it was checking if it shoudl be a local login (vs LDAP) and it's of course trying to log in to the LDAP domain, not hte local one. [08:19:53] (which of course is what the error message said, but now I see that it's not even trying, because the $domain is set wrong) [08:20:22] There used to be a dropdown list box to choose the domain, but now it's gone in this latest update. :/ [08:22:32] And, if i enable a second wgPluggableAuth_Config, where the domain is 'local' that does indeed log in skipping LDAP. [08:23:17] so the question still stands: what happened to the domain chooser dropdown. [08:23:53] MatmaRex: tests/phpunit/unit/includes/watcheditem/WatchedItemUnitTest.php [08:26:59] Nedlinpopo: php arrays are kind of like javascript arrays in that they can be both associative and normal arrays [08:27:19] MatmaRex: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T313486 [08:27:48] bawolff: effectively an OrdredDict?  what happens if the key is also a number? [08:28:16] keys can be numbers, and there can be gaps between numbers [08:28:54] Nedlinpopo: Are you talking about https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LDAPAuthentication2 ? The page has instructions and several mentions to the domains dropdown [08:28:58] Its more just a convention that some arrays have only numbered elements that are contiguous and start at 0 [08:29:12] the string keys also have an ordering to them, but that rarely matters [08:29:26] Vulpix: yes! [08:29:57] and id defintely used to.  I think it might be gone in the latest version, and the docs are out of date [08:31:09] becasue also at the end of that doc, you'll note that it says " [08:31:09]     There is only one login button per LDAP domain. [08:31:10]     Now $wgPluggableAuth_Config global should be used." [08:31:37] which is basically a contradiction, but appears to be the current behavior (under PluggableAuth 7) [08:33:09] From my understanding, instead of a drop down, you should have two login buttons now instead of one [08:33:22] yeah, but that's awful for my users [08:33:31] they're going to be so confused. [08:34:04] (and I was too, since as you note, the docs indicate it had a menu in several places) [08:40:54] but looking through the source, it sure looks like the exact domain is baked in to the config, so maybe 2 buttons is unavoidable given this current architecture [08:48:57] well thanks for the help everyone [08:49:03] goodnight [08:51:54] Amir1: I'll look at your gerrit change now, if you look at this ;) https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T364085 [14:03:57] addshore: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Citoid#Configure_Citoid_on_a_Citoid-enabled_wiki [14:06:42] addshore: or just import this: https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/ci-tools/patchdemo/-/blob/master/pages/extensions-Citoid.xml [14:29:58] addshore: $wgCitoidFullRestbaseURL = 'https://www.mediawiki.org/api/rest_';