[01:12:22] Still have no idea what i did to my local install to get "InvalidArgumentException: "CdxTypeaheadSearch" is not an export of Codex and cannot be included in the "codexComponents" array." [01:12:36] Presumably it is a problem on my end since nobody else is complaining. [01:13:38] nevermind [01:13:46] I forgot the really obvious thing [01:13:53] that i needed to update vector skin [03:26:50] is there any way to refresh uncategorized page cache? [03:27:33] testwp:Biaro_Island was deleted yesterday but the querypage generator API still includes it in response. [03:40:06] xtex: On Wikimedia wikis, this runs regularly. How often depends on the wiki and which page, but i believe once every 3 days [03:41:03] A sysadmin can force it to happen faster if it was really needed, but we would probably only do that if it was some sort of emergency (e.g. If the page title revealed personal information or something like that) [03:59:59] There may be tools on toolforge or cloudvps that can generate those reports in realtime, although I wouldn't worry about Uncat patrolling on projects like testwiki [07:48:54] WMDE-Fisch: https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/releng/cli/-/jobs/252681 [08:35:29] hoo [09:09:18] !class User [09:09:18] See https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/classUser.html [12:04:40] mwwiki front page now has 100% more wmhack2024 in its picture! [12:05:32] i think i've done the needful with E:Translate [13:37:12] thanks p858snake|cloud [14:03:07] \o/