[20:16:35] Hello there! Im completely new here, im in search of help! [20:20:31] I have managed to install a MediaWiki on localhost. I want to add (what at least appears in wikimedia's own wiki, and often in Wikipedia too) info boxes and warning boxes that will have coloring and also prespective icons on their left side. Anyone knows anything about that? [20:27:04] Its_Gerryz: There's https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Importing_Wikipedia_infoboxes_tutorial [20:28:15] But looking at the warnings at the top, you should probably learn how to create one first [20:29:29] Because you'll find out Wikipedia templates don't fit your needs or are super complicated, and you'll want to modify them, and at this stage you better start from scratch than trying to modify a Wikipedia template :)