[02:16:59] replyception [02:17:09] wait wrong channel sorry :p [22:07:00] Hello, [22:07:01] I updated my mediawiki from 1.35 to 1.41.1. I also updated the pageforms to 5.6.2. If I try to edit / create a new formular entry, I get theo following error: [22:07:01] [5601425ccc234a3673a4472f] /index.php?title=Spezial:Mit_Formular_bearbeiten/Rezept/Neues_Rezept Error: Call to undefined method WikitextContent::getUltimateRedirectTarget() [22:07:37] Looking to the changelog of mediawiki, getUltimateRedirectTarget was removed in 1.41: [22:07:37] "AbstractContent::getRedirectChain() and ::getUltimateRedirectTarget(), both deprecated in 1.38, have been removed." -> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.41 [22:08:45] The error message should have more lines indicated what code called that [22:08:58] most likely you have some extension that needs to be updated [22:12:31] Backtrace: [22:12:31] from /var/www/vhosts/hosting161995.a2f0c.netcup.net/httpdocs/wiki_neundorf/extensions/PageForms/includes/PF_AutoeditAPI.php(299) [22:12:32] #0 /var/www/vhosts/hosting161995.a2f0c.netcup.net/httpdocs/wiki_neundorf/extensions/PageForms/includes/PF_AutoeditAPI.php(887): PFAutoeditAPI->getFormTitle() [22:12:32] #1 /var/www/vhosts/hosting161995.a2f0c.netcup.net/httpdocs/wiki_neundorf/extensions/PageForms/includes/PF_AutoeditAPI.php(130): PFAutoeditAPI->doAction() [22:12:33] #2 /var/www/vhosts/hosting161995.a2f0c.netcup.net/httpdocs/wiki_neundorf/extensions/PageForms/specials/PF_FormEdit.php(113): PFAutoeditAPI->execute() [22:12:33] #3 /var/www/vhosts/hosting161995.a2f0c.netcup.net/httpdocs/wiki_neundorf/extensions/PageForms/specials/PF_FormEdit.php(54): PFFormEdit->printForm(string, string, NULL) [22:13:09] oh... well my bad [22:14:50] i removed the ban [22:15:17] just tell him not to paste like that again :p [22:15:19] You are right, this is the backtrace: [22:15:37] jessĀ  this was fail [22:15:45] jessĀ  yeah, this was fail [22:15:59] :) [22:16:40] So for me it looks like the PageForms trys to call getUltimateRedirectTarget() which was removed in mediawiki 1.41 [22:17:58] I don't see any other extension which I could update. [22:22:38] Any idea, what could be wrong?