[15:48:38] I have a non public wiki on version 1.32.1 I'd like to move it to a turnkeylinux lxc I've just brought up under proxmox running 1.41.0. It's a small wiki but will be good practice for upgrading a couple public wiki's running 1.30.0 [15:52:53] I was hoping to backup the old wiki to XML or Json and restore rather than restoring mariadb sql files. Is that possible? Saving me the time and effort to upgrade the old wiki. [15:58:30] This procedure https://sharkysoft.com/wiki/how_to_move_a_MediaWiki_wiki_from_one_server_to_another.html looks like how I'd like to do it, but I'm unsure what impace the, vastly?, different versions may have on the backup from v 1.32 to new 1.41.0 [15:59:43] XML should be fine from 1.32 to 1.41 [16:00:03] But a note that you will loose any user info like emails/passwords and you'll loose logs [16:00:28] The XML will only include the pages (and full history if you select that) [16:02:03] In this case thee is oneuser. I can loose logs. I'd like to retain page history thoug. [16:03:16] When I restore the pages can I assign a user name for ownership? [16:03:59] It will restore to the original username unless you add an Interwiki prefix [16:05:10] You can use https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:DumpBackup.php to create the XML dump [16:05:25] @RhinosF1: Thanks for the responses [16:05:39] make sure to use --full [22:15:17] Took a break to see; 'Furiosa' Cool! backup and import went pretty smothly used --dry-run first... I read a page I believe anonymously but now I'm getting "You don't have permission to access this resource." even if admin. [22:18:04] apache error log "client denied by server configuration: /var/www/mediawiki/index.php, referer: h [22:18:04] ttps://mw0/index.php/Main_Page" [22:20:08] hello [22:20:08] https://es.wikivoyage.org/w/index.php?title=Plantilla:Box&curid=1217&diff=214465&oldid=147660 is correct? https://es.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Especial:Errores_de_sintaxis/misc-tidy-replacement-issues [23:05:58] Weird I'm still getting the client denied by server configuration: /var/www/mediawiki/index.php error occassionally but if I ^F5 the page comes up.... [23:13:11] possible clue; seems that pages sometimes load without css [23:32:45] !debug [23:32:45] For information on debugging (including viewing errors), see https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug . A list of related configuration variables is at https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings#Debug.2Flogging Also see https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Errors_and_symptoms