[11:44:56] As a totally random aside, I was thinking today how its too bad the syntax for scribunto invoke isn't {{#invoke:ModuleName#functionName|args...}} instead of {{#invoke:ModuleName|funcName|args..}} [11:45:33] Obviously it doesn't matter, and there are probably lots of people who think the current syntax is better... just seems weird to mix args with which thing to invoke [11:45:40] random /r/showerthought of the day [12:20:51] we could use {{#invoke:ModuleName|funcName|args…}} to indicate the module should run under Lua 5.1 (like now) and {{#invoke:ModuleName#funcName|args…}} as the marker for Lua 5.4 [12:21:05] (/r/TheresSomethingWrongWithMyShowerThoughts) [12:40:00] huh, math.random() in lua is always seeded with 0 [12:40:26] That seems kind of annoying when all i want is to have a unique random value to put in an id attribute that i know won't duplicate other calls [12:40:36] Guess math.randomseed(tonumber(mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate( "U" ))*10000 + os.clock()*10000) is the best way to seed the random function [13:20:20] bawolff: yeah, it’s intentionally non-random ^^ we also ran into that recently, see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T360891#9664129 [13:20:21] it depends on how fast the code runs :) [13:24:51] consider using id based on text content (if you want to use the id as an anchor link) , using mw.hash.hashValue. Of course, assuming you won't have the same content on two separate invocations [13:31:15] Lucas_WMDE: hmm, i feel like that isn't going to stop anyone when you still have access to unix epoch and total number of edits [13:31:42] like people have been doing the "random" page content stuff forever using #switch [21:17:45] Yesterday I tried moving a wiki from hadware to a turnkeylinux lxc in proxmox. It came up o.k. but was plauged by inconsistent errors. Today I fired up a debian 12 lxc and configured mediawiki by hand. That's working much better, more consistently. [21:19:28] I've imported pages, that's working. I'm still scratching my head about images. i tar'ed them up on the old machine and extracted them on the new. My site logo is in that exported set of images, it's displaying. [21:21:54] But? [21:21:55] Is it required to run DumpImages on old system and impoertimages on the new? [21:22:18] There's no dumpImages [21:22:33] You shouldn't need to run importImages, no [21:23:47] What issue are you actually seeing? [21:23:54] You can't access the originals through the browser? [21:23:57] You can't view thumbnails? [21:24:03] Your pages show as the images are missing? [21:24:26] Well, unless you imported wiki contents with an xml dump and not restoring the entire database... [21:24:42] That's a good point :P [21:25:57] I imported the pages with dumpBackup [21:26:49] You'll need to run importImages.php, then [21:26:54] So as Vulpix is alluding to... Your current MW install doesn't know the files are there, or anything about it [21:27:07] The file pages (descriptions) are detached from the physical files on disk [21:27:24] The logo is just a hard coded link to a specific file [21:27:37] I'm not see the images on the wiki page. apache access log; - - [29/May/2024:14:24:06 -0700] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 490 "http://mw0.rodaw.io/w/index.php/Trane_XE_1000" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64 [21:27:37] ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" [21:27:37] ::1 - - [29/May/2024:14:24:12 -0700] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 126 "-" "Apache/2.4.59 (Debian) (internal dummy connection)" [21:27:48] Is there a way for me to set cosmos skin to display global tags [21:29:17] GumShoe: Be sure to read https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:ImportImages.php carefully before running it. Importing all the files (including thumbnails and old versions of the files) will give you headaches :P [21:29:53] On the old machine I should run dumpUploads.php on the new run importImages.php [21:32:32] I'd rename your image folder to something else, recreate the empty folder... possibly putting your logo back, and then run importImages against the dir of images, passing --search-recursively [21:34:21] but removing thumb and archive folders [21:34:30] (and deleted too) [21:34:35] dumpUploads doesn't include the actual image.png file just the file:imagename.png [21:34:45] Read the description from it [21:34:51] >Generates list of uploaded files which can be fed to tar or similar. By default, outputs relative paths against the parent directory of $wgUploadDirectory. [21:36:39] Does anyone know how to set cosmos skin to display global tags I've been stuck on it [21:36:55] What is a global tag? [21:37:50] Basically display the tags for users with global rights on cosmos [21:39:12] That sounds like some extension? [21:45:52] run.php doesn't have a --dry-run capability correct? [21:46:14] the individual scripts might [21:46:21] but necessarily always --dry-run [21:47:34] *not necessarily [21:47:46] Ohh importImages has --dry rather than --dry-run [21:50:15] Silly inconsistency, unfortunately [21:51:11] Looks like I have the syntax correct. I greped the output for thumb so I'll got delete the thumbs. They will be _automagically_ created in the background after import? [21:51:30] Not quite [21:51:36] They'll be automatically created when they're used [21:52:01] cool, thank you for the helop [21:52:02] You can just copy the thumbs back over though... But on a newer os, you might want to let them be regnerated anyway [21:53:34] I hope the 0 1 2 5 6 9 directory pattern will be restored. I think that's a good idea to let this much newer os and mw create the thumbs [21:55:45] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgHashedUploadDirectory is on by default [22:02:19] Importing Trane_XE_1000_Specifications_Plate_IMG_20230410_151545169.jpg...failed. (An unknown error occurred in storage backend "local-backend".) [22:06:33] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/CGXwNa6y/help.png [22:06:57] how do I set it to display global edits and linked wikis [22:07:23] Huh? That's interesting I did Special:ListFiles they're all there. But not display on pages that use them.... [22:08:21] purge/null edit the pages [22:13:31] purge/null edit the pages -- is that for me? How do I do that purge, anyway I did edit a page and added some text which saved and displays. [22:14:23] So close, but no cigar yet.... [22:27:10] I enabled the VisualEditor it's not seeing 'Your recent uploads' using the VisualEditor insert I successfully uploaded and image, inserted into the page I'm editing, saved and it displays that new upload. Not the imported ones though. [22:34:58] > How do I do that purge -- Append ?action=purge to the page URL and you will get a confirmation page asking if you want to purge the page from caches. [22:46:40] To purge a page, add ?action=purge to the URL of the page you are viewing. For example:http://example.org/wiki/Main_Page?action=purge