[19:49:13] I've been pointed at this link before but I can't find it ... what's the difference between a theme and a skin? [19:50:42] mediawiki only has skins, no themes [19:51:16] MatmaRex: Ah okay. That's easy then. [19:51:21] i think there are some skins that have different themes or something like that [19:55:46] After reading https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Compatibility and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Version_lifecycle#Release_policy It's my understanding that to go from 1.28.2 -> 1.39.7 I need to transition through 1.35.9 Does that sound right? [19:56:11] I'm a little worried that I first need to go from 1.28.2 to 1.34.4 [20:42:43] yeah, through 1.35 only. we only introduced the requrement to upgrade in multiple steps after that version [20:43:47] (since we've had too many issues with keeping everything compatible all the way back with the oldest versions) [20:45:36] Altough to be honest, the issues seem to have increased since we made that change [21:32:16] tonyb, MatmaRex: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Jack_Phoenix/theme :-) [21:32:52] (also that's still missing stuff on HTML templates and OOUI themes, but...I'll update it one day, I promise >.>) [21:35:21] ashley: Perfect. That's the URL I couldn't find. [21:37:16] MatmaRex, bawolff: My intent once I complete this is to stay on whatever the current LTS release is. I want to get to 1.39.7 befoer the expected 1.43 LTS release in Novemeber. [21:45:06] tonyb: yw; let me know if you have further questions etc., I hope I can answer some of 'em :D [21:48:22] ashley: Will do. I'm at a point where AFAICT I have the same code and *mostly* the same LocalSettings on the new server as the old but the skin, which clearly works, on the old doesn't on the new. [21:48:48] but I broke $all_the_things with some automation so debugging that will need to wait. [21:48:57] heh [21:49:21] which skin are we talking about, btw? is it a public one? if not, can you make it public? I've fixed up a "few" skins over the years, chances are it's probably easy enough to fix :-) [21:55:59] ashley: It's an old SHA of https://github.com/OSAS/strapping-mediawiki.git which IIUC is the origin of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/skins/mediawiki-strapping [21:57:54] ah, neat; it's probably somewhat maintained, then, if it's not gerrit \o/ [21:58:06] The former (OSAS) fails with something like "mumble mumble isWatched method not found on line 107 of Strapping.skin.php mumble mumble", which totally makes sense as that method was removed in something like 1.19 BUT the version that works has exactly the same line 107 [21:58:37] I can'r see any hacked compatibility in the running mediawiki to make the function magically work [21:59:48] If I used the REL1.28 branch from the gerrit repo (which has a fix for the issue I hit with the OSAS version) I don't have any css (which is almost certainly my fault) [22:03:00] well, let's see what happens once you manage to sort out the other issues to get your site running a bit more modern version of MW than 1.28 :] [22:06:02] what file do I need to upload to phpmyadmin for centrel auth and global lock extension I forgot [22:07:30] ashley: Thanks. That's basically the plan. If I could make the skin work great, but getting to something recent is the priority even if that means switching the skin during the process. [22:17:23] https://cocopuff.theffosdatabase.net/mw14/index.php/Main_Page [22:17:42] what would be the correct url for upgrade php on my wiki? cant figure it out [22:18:02] To upgrade php? Probably not [22:18:29] PHP is not typically upgraded by url [22:18:43] how do I upgrade it? [22:19:12] PHP? typically you would use your operating system's package manager (e.g. apt on debian/ubuntu) [22:19:26] its ran on cpanel [22:19:32] and ye php [22:20:05] https://cocopuff.theffosdatabase.net/mw14/index.php/Main_Page [22:20:18] not sure why this error appears still when I did all the steps including the database [22:20:19] Well then you would generally contact your hosting provider if you wanted to change the version of PHP, unless cpanel has some app to select which version, as cpanel differs between different hosters [22:21:02] actually it might be the php effecting the installation of the extension [22:21:46] There is no error message on the page you linked to [22:22:16] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/5Jc00c68/ [22:22:21] hmm odd not on my end [22:22:53] Does not look like a php error [22:23:45] well odd that I installed the right my SQL page for the extension which is tables-generated-globalblocks.sql [22:23:53] and gave it access to database [22:24:07] Which database did you install it in? [22:25:03] global blocking [22:25:11] > Access denied for user 'theffosd_mw14818'@'localhost' to database 'GlobalBlocking' [22:25:22] This is the most explicit error message you can get [22:25:56] user and host does not have select permission on the database [22:26:12] Well you probably didn't install it in a database named "global blocking" since spaces aren't usually allowed in database name [22:26:50] oh hang on that might be why [22:27:19] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/A3FUPqKD/ [22:28:47] [For full context, the database not existing would also likely cause the access denied message, so the fully explicit version is either the permissions are wrong or the database doesn't exist. My bet is more on the latter, but it could be either]