[07:14:54] Just wanted to check this here. It seems like even if you disable the patrol system ($wgUseRCPatrol = false;), Special:NewPages will still highlight "unpatrolled" page creations. This isn't a critical issue, but it's apparently annoying our staff, so I figured I'd reach out. [07:15:48] I did check the HTML and found that the "not-patrolled" class still gets applied to the lis even if you have the system disabled. [07:16:53] I'm fairly certain that we aren't the ones who set custom CSS to make those highlighted, since I've checked our MediaWiki css pages, but there's a chance I'm wrong there. [08:10:28] jfolv: codesearch (as well as my memory) suggests that there's a separate variable to control that: see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgUseNPPatrol [08:14:59] ashley: That fixed it, thanks! [08:15:16] Didn't realize the patrol system had multiple control vars. [08:15:30] "just" those two, I think :D (plus user rights, of course) [08:15:48] Yeah I went through and took out most patrol rights [08:16:01] We weren't using it and the staff were annoyed by it [08:16:18] (Personally that drives me insane but I'm just the tech jockey) [08:20:06] heh; the patrol stuff, I think, is nice to have but it probably should be *off* rather than _on_ by default, I don't think most sites end up actually using it [08:34:05] They should >:( [08:34:36] The first wiki I worked on took it seriously. I was actually a patroller before I joined their staff. [08:34:52] I'm so used to patrolling being a common thing. [08:35:57] it has its upsides and downsides -- a lot depends on the community (or lack of thereof); generally speaking it probably *is* better if they use it than if not! especially the more active a given community is; but on smaller wikis it's likely not to see much use