[08:51:43] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.42 is still being noted as a pre-release on the wiki page [09:42:41] I removed the pre-release wording etc. and did some formatting on the page [13:48:11] Good morning. I wanted to follow up on my question from yesterday about table and column character sets with respect to upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to 8. To summarize the main question, should I also be changing every tables' default charset to utf8mb4 since I'm changing a lot of columns from utf8 to utf8mb4 (and utf8mb4_generai_ci collation)? Or [13:48:11] perhaps to binary since I will also be changing $wgDBTableOptions from utf8 to binary? [13:55:25] justinl: I think it would desirable to change the default, yes, as to prevent new varchar columns being created with a different collation. I think mw doesn't specify the collation when adding new columns to an existing tables, and it just relies on the table collation set by default [14:18:35] Vulpix So checking the number of tables across all of my databases thats another 121+(4*137)+100=769 ALTER TABLE statements, which is terrifying. That aside, should I be setting them to binary, to match what $wgDBTableOptions will be, or utf8mb4? FWIW, the two original databases I took over before adding the other 4 back in 2012 were originally [14:18:35] latin1, so they only have 25 columns to fix rather than ~70 each, since the Aurora MySQL validation checks didn't care about latin1, just utf8->utf8mb4. [14:22:53] justinl: it should match $wgDBTableOptions. Note that the default collation will only be applied when new varchar columns are added to the table (and the collation isn't specified). It doesn't modify the current data or collation for columns [14:28:00] Yes, that is my understanding, which is why I'm having to also run a lot of ALTER TABLE commands to change the charset and collation of the columns reported by the pre-upgrade validation checks. They're utf8 since I change that from latin1 back in 2012 when I took over the original 2 wikis before adding the additional 4 wikis. I believe that was in [14:28:01] the default $wgDBTableOptions value at the time (MW 1.16?). I took them over as my main role at a new job, having never worked with MW before, so I was figuring it out as I went. These are public-facing, large and high-traiffic wikis, so all of this work (running the SQL statements and then doing the cluster upgrades) during a complete downtime, so [14:28:01] I'm doing everything I can to test this procedure in my dev environment to make sure I don't royally screw anything up. :P [15:08:07] Vulpix If I just change the tables' default character sets, would that also change the tables' default collations to the default collation for the charset? That is, if I run "ALTER TABLE tblname DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4", would that also implicitly append "COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci" since that's utf8mb4's default collation? [16:03:40] justinl: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/setting-character-sets-and-collations/#table-level "If only the character set is provided, the default collation for that character set will be used" [16:08:39] Ok, yeah, now I see a similar confirmation in the MySQL 8 docs. [17:34:00] ashley: thanks!