[07:47:56] If I understand correctly, I should be able to add custom CSS files to a skin via the skin.json under the ResourceModules { skins.skinname.styles { styles [styles array], right? I'm trying to add some custom styles, but it doesn't seem to want to recognize them, despite me correctly pointing the json file to where they're located in the resources directory. [07:48:32] (I'm aware what I posted there isn't proper syntax; it's just pseudocode. The site loads fine so my JSON syntax is fine in the file itself.) [07:49:17] Will that particular field not accept CSS files? [07:54:03] Never mind, I see what's going on [08:06:33] Yep, this is what happens when you fork a skin and forget to switch the actual skin you're looking at. Dammit. [08:35:23] I'm noticing that $wgDefaultUserOptions['skin'] doesn't seem to work. Is this correct? [08:36:23] I want to set a different skin than the default for logged in users upon account creation [10:15:09] jfolv: pretty sure that should work (and if not, it's a bug, but it'd be weird if it had gone unnoticed for this long); what precise value are you trying to set it to? (it should correspond to the lowercase name of the skin in ValidSkinNames property in the skin.json file, *but* I wouldn't be shocked if some skins out there had a non-lowercase name specified there and such capitalization issues might throw off MediaWiki, for example :D) [10:17:28] ashley: Trying to set it to "monobook," so $wgDefaultUserOptions['skin'] = "monobook"; [10:18:18] hm, yeah, that definitely should work :D is it before or after the wfLoadSkin( 'MonoBook' ); definition? [10:18:29] Oooh that might be it, let me check [10:26:09] Well I did change it just now to move the option below the actual skin load, but it's still not quite working. Going to check the database table... [10:27:15] Nope, empty for the user I just made. Nothing set in user_properties at all. [10:27:20] Bug maybe? [10:28:20] My current config order is: Load monobook, load custom skin, set custom skin to default, set monobook as default user skin option. [10:33:09] Checked the MonoBook skin.json, and sure enough, it does have the all lowercase "monobook" as the name. [10:37:42] ashley: Just did a test by trying to set it to "timeless" instead; still no dice. I think MediaWiki is ignoring the "skin" option. [10:39:19] hmm, sure sounds bugged :-/ [10:40:28] I'll file a report for now. At least then some more eyes can get on it. [10:51:53] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368853 Done. Hopefully someone who knows more can take a closer look. [11:43:08] jfolv: just double checking, the new user account has logged in after being created? [13:44:07] how do I fix this error http://theffosdatabase.net/mw19/index.php/Main_Page [14:24:36] Hi. Are there any recommendations for setting Content Security Policy (CSP) headers with mediawiki? [14:25:27] I notice that mediawiki.org has several set while other sites like wikimedia commons do not have them. [14:26:32] Cocopuff2018: what error? The page loads here [14:39:43] https://theffosdatabase.net/mw19/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=Main+Page [14:40:19] I put $wgCentralAuthDatabase = '=CentralAuth'; unsure why it says denied when I gave access to database [15:34:08] How's it not reading the database I named it centrelauth [17:32:15] Cocopuff2018: you haven't set up sql login correctly. This is why you get access denied