[19:16:57] Hi, I want to have better dev environment for my wiki (which hosted somewhere), so I took a mediawiki docker file and I want to load the backup into this instance. when I first run the container I'm getting a message of "setup your wiki". which files do I need to have in order the server will identify I have an existing wiki in my file system? [19:16:58] before I try to copy everything ( a few gbs) I tried to copy LocalSettings.php alone and I doesn't work. thanks! [21:58:53] Can someone help me clean this using HTML4 bgcolor attribute [22:02:03] danielyepezg: what's "this"? [22:04:55] https://night-mode-checker.wmcloud.org/es-mobile/night.html [22:06:44] I think it is the most repetitive error on eswiki for dark mode and there is no documentation about it [22:09:10] My guess is https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Recommendations_for_night_mode_compatibility_on_Wikimedia_wikis#Consider_globally_setting_link_color_inside_tables_with_background [22:12:34] but it doesn't say anything about that specifically