[00:06:37] With restbase subsetting and remnant features deprecated, ported to php, or likely going to be ported, this seems very feasible in the not too distant future. [00:07:43] That doesn't mean there's political support and org prority and resourcing, but it does remove technical cost/complexity from the equation. [00:08:07] Potentially making it feasible for someone, as first step, to fork and cut down to make it work. [01:58:52] tgr|away: indeed, that's handy for alerting the end-users but it does nothing about the developer-side problems, alas :-/ [05:56:09] Ashley: rewrite ED so it detects if the branches are present before offering them to download? From memory that's the only hurdle with people deleting them last time this was discussed [11:40:41] ashley: I'd hope developers look at the compatibility policy before backporting changes etc. Not using any core functionality that's not in the last LTS is harder because most people don't memorize what is/isn't supported going back 3-4 releases. [11:41:43] Having tests which run on an LTS version of core is more useful there, but inasmuch as communicating to developers that the extension needs to be B/C, the infobox is the place for that IMO. [14:14:30] the Free Software Directory has a semantic-mediawiki dump available here https://static.fsf.org/nosvn/directory/directory.xml but some data doesn't seem to be in the XML file. In particular the License: pages, such as https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:LGPL-2.1-or-later In the exported data however, I can see some errors like this: [14:14:32] [8,"smw_notinenum","GPL-2.0-or-later","ACEL, AFL-3.0, AGPL-1.0, AGPL-1.0-or-later, AGPL-3.0, AGPL-3.0-or-later, AGPL-3.0-or-later-with-exception, AGPL-3.0-with-exception, AGPLv1orlater, AGPLv3, ...","License"] [14:14:43] what is wrong with their export? [14:15:05] I don't have access to the wiki, I'm not an admin, I'm only trying to download the data dump [14:17:02] Not sure we can really help there... [14:18:52] Reedy: I thought maybe the error looked familiar or something. Thank you anyway [23:02:05] does someone have a guide nn setting up mysql login correcrtly [23:02:08] correctly