[04:46:38] One of our head admins has asked me if there's a way to easily edit the text of the special page "wanted files" (like with a MediaWiki namespace page). We utilize a foreign file repo, so they want to basically put up text saying "this is not a useful page; please use globally wanted files instead." [04:47:43] I've also been asked if we can remove the 1000 item limit on special pages which list items. [04:48:22] For example, AncientPages will not list more than 1000 pages. [05:43:12] jfolv: yeah, basically all the text you see is customizable by editing pages in the MediaWiki namespace [05:43:55] one way to find out which ones to edit is to add uselang=qqx to the URL parameters [05:44:37] e.g. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:WantedFiles?uselang=qqx [05:45:11] each thing in parenthesis is the name of the page in the MW namespace, e.g. (wantedfiles-summary) is controlled by MediaWiki:Wantedfiles-summary [05:47:19] not sure what you mean by item limit; you can move between pages and see more than 1000 results total [05:47:48] increasing the per-page limit will potentially cause timeouts/errors so I don't recommend making that one too high [05:52:27] Thanks, I found the system message I needed for the first one. As for the second, our wiki (Bulbapedia) does not list more than 1000 items on special pages. For example: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Special:WantedPages only lists 1000 pages, despite there being more than 1000 pages wanted. [05:55:40] It specifically says that the data is cached, and only 1000 results are available in the cache. [05:56:03] "The following data is cached, and was last updated 04:00, July 10, 2024. A maximum of 1,000 results are available in the cache. " [05:56:27] Our admins want to extend this limitation. [06:02:08] jfolv: possibly https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgQueryCacheLimit [06:21:54] Nikerabbit: That did it, thanks. Turns out we use Miser Mode, so that's what was limiting it. [19:38:32] Waniccode needs a more stable connection