[01:38:00] Moving a page does not updates its logs (e.g. page creation log), is this expected? [02:30:59] Reedy No, I have just checked the relevant information carefully and found nothing wrong with it [03:17:32] Are there any guides on running a mediawiki page as a hidden service? specifically, if i wanted to run a page on clearnet and also available as a tor service via a .onion address [06:12:44] hey [06:12:46] Error 1049: Unknown database 'virtual' [06:12:47] Function: Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMySQL::doSelectDomain [06:12:47] Query: USE `virtual` [06:13:04] How to solve this problem? [06:14:00] ❛‿˂̵✧ [06:19:36] Well you have to stay in the channel long enough for someone to answer your question [06:19:47] But this is the third person I've seen with an issue like this [06:19:49] this [06:20:15] idk, if they are all using new versions of extensions with old mw before virtual schema mappings were a thing [06:20:18] or something else [06:20:33] but seems like a trend of something wrong going on with the new virtual db name mapping thing [12:42:36] @bawolff thank you for your reply [12:45:42] Regarding IRC online, I guess it's irrelevant because I can always check the replies via wmbot [12:46:15] ❛‿˂̵✧ [14:13:56] I'm upgrading 9x MediaWikis to 1.39.8 and one wiki just does not read or does not respect the $wgReadOnly in the LocalSettings.php and I'm very perplexed as to why and how. I tried restarting apache2 and memcached, but to no avail. Already consulted with ChatGPT to no avail. Any pointers would be appreciated, thanks [14:37:09] yuker: check the correct casing/spell, check it's not inside a PHP comment (either line or block), check it's not set again to false later on LocalSettings.php [14:38:27] thanks Vulpix... checked all 3 and all are negative [14:43:59] check you're editing the *correct* LocalSettings.php. If in doubt, introduce an obvious php syntax error and see if the site gets down with an error