[15:35:22] Is there a setting for the character limit on usernames? I could've sworn we had one, but I can't quite find it and I can't find anything in the manuals by searching. Not sure if I'm getting Mandela Effected here. [16:21:06] jfolv: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgMaxNameChars [16:39:47] Vulpix: Actually found it a bit earlier, but thanks all the same! [19:08:01] I noticed this, placeholders were not updated: "In this release of MediaWiki, XYZ classes now have a namespace and XYZ do not yet (XYZ% done, up from 63% in MediaWiki 1.41.0)." https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.42#Deprecations_in_1.42