[17:13:55] quiet [20:49:09] I created a test account and now want to remove it. So I ran removeUnusedAccounts, but it told me zero such accounts were found. What to do? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:RemoveUnusedAccounts.php [20:54:52] Well. That's interesting. If I add --ignore-touched then it finds the account. The wiki page for this says that --ignore-touched defaults to 1, and with that setting it will remove accounts created a few seconds ago. But that seems wrong. (And I am reluctant to "fix" the page because I don't really know what I'm doing.) [21:03:50] --ignore-touched 0 is what I added. [22:44:02] I went ahead and edited. If it's wrong, someone will fix it.