[05:12:11] i noticed an issue here https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:GenerateSitemap.php [05:13:32] im not sure what changed. but if i run the generateSitemap.php as it suggests: --urlpath=https://www.example.com/sitemap --server=https://www.example.com, the links to the sitemap files within sitemap.xml will be https://example.com/https://example.com/sitemap or something [05:14:57] oh the thing that changed was probably my MW version [05:15:45] THANKS! [05:15:47] :> [06:09:54] Have a strange issue here. After upgrading from 1.39.8, I get this error when trying to load Special:NewFiles: https://pastebin.com/DU1t9f6i [06:10:25] I threw a var_dump in the command file to see what the $limits var had. Looks like the issue is that $limits['memory'] is set to "unlimited," a string, and it's trying to multiply it. [06:10:35] Is this a config setting? [06:13:41] Never mind, I just rubberducked the answer. [06:13:58] $wgMaxShellMemory was set to "unlimited." [06:28:19] This does beg the question: Why is Special:NewFiles utilizing the $wgMaxShellMemory var? [06:28:27] I thought that was exclusive to CLI scripts. [06:36:07] Never mind again, answered that one on my own. It's imagemagick making thumbnails. [15:35:07] I'm having that bug again where MediaViewer doesn't load images correctly. Previously, the workaround was to remove $this->imagePreloadingSupprted() from the cache key, but this does not appear to be viable anymore. Is there a new workaround? [15:37:26] Wait, this is still viable. What the hell was I looking at? Ignore that, sorry.