[09:01:01] hey there! i recently upgraded my long-running mediawiki instance from 1.41.x to 1.43.0, and have lost my logo, and also the little icon that follows external links, and the "powered by mediawiki" logo. uploaded images used in article bodies and the GNUFDL logo remain as they were. i'm looking into this, but just thought i'd report (and see if anyone had immediate ideas) [09:02:14] i saw the comment about $wgFooterIcons in the release notes, but am not using that afaik [09:03:24] excuse me, i believe that was an update from 1.42.x (i think 1.42.5), not 1.41.x [09:06:36] i threw on error_reporting(E_ALL) and display_errors, but just see a few notes about "Premature access to service foo" that don't seem obviously related [09:09:12] i do not see a load of the logo in my web logs [09:11:40] i don't think it's a problem specific to the actual logo file, as (a) it worked since 2008 and (b) the external link image is also missing [09:22:44] switching to the Vector skin from Timeless seems to have restored my logo, though not the mediawiki logo nor the external link icons, interesting [12:04:02] i want to continue work on https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/999961, but it's not my patch; should i make another one with a new change id? [12:08:41] I’d say it depends on how many changes you’re planning to make… if it’s minor stuff, you could upload it as a new patch set [12:09:00] (assuming you have permission to upload new patch sets for other people’s changes – I don’t know what controls that ^^) [12:09:27] if you’re making larger changes it probably makes more sense to make it a new Change-Id and credit SD00001 via Co-Authored-By [12:09:29] i think the trusted-contributors gerrit group manages that? [12:10:08] you could also ask them in a comment, they still seem to be around and relatively active on other changes ^^ [12:10:11] could be that group, yeah [12:10:11] i plan to resolve the comments under that patch (which is add unit tests and change a function signature) [12:11:01] to me that sounds like it makes sense to keep the Change-Id [12:11:11] (also so the connection to those comments is clearer) [12:11:20] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/admin/groups/1505 [12:11:23] seems to be this group yeah [12:12:36] yes its trustedcontribs [12:12:38] what's better etiquette? asking to make the change via a comment and only doing so once i get the OK, or being bold and just amending the change straight up [12:13:04] which of the author / owner of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/PageNotice/+/1118786 should I add to trusted contributors? ^^ [12:13:16] IMHO being bold would be okay here [12:13:28] I’d probably comment something like “I did this, hope you don’t mind” afterwards ^^ [12:13:31] should be wikimedia@blankeclair.slmail.me [12:13:38] (easier to ask forgiveness etc.) [12:13:43] ah oki, thank you ^_^ [12:13:50] added! [12:13:59] * Lucas_WMDE wonders if I’m supposed to log that anywhere [12:14:01] thank you again :3 [12:14:10] I guess https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/admin/groups/1505,audit-log is enough of a log ^^ [12:14:16] hmm, it's meant to be a viral group, is it not? [12:14:30] should be yeah [12:14:30] nvm, i just realised what you said xD [12:14:36] :D [12:14:48] i've been added to phab trusted-contributors before without a log before, so i think it should be the same here? [12:15:41] yeah https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/Tutorial#Amending_a_change_(your_own_or_someone_else's) mentions no required logging [12:17:57] any ideas on the missing external link icon? it's missing no matter which skin i choose [12:18:11] i'm not seeing anything in php errors [12:20:43] sosodank: any errors in the browser console? [12:20:55] (sometimes PHP-side errors related to ResourceLoader are logged there) [12:21:41] (I don’t have any other ideas except “did you also upgrade Vector to 1.43”, sorry :/) [12:22:22] what about the style panel in devtools? it should mention something about background image once you click on an element with `a.external` [12:22:49] (at least, that's the case with how external icons are implemented in vector (the non-2022 version)) [12:22:50] nothing that i see. all "network" entries have either a 200 or 204 [12:23:18] tighten in and expand upon "style panel in devtools", please [12:24:08] if you mean the "styles" section of the chrome console, i see "no issues detected so far" [12:24:24] it's hard to put into words, but this thing: https://files.catbox.moe/17le8t.png [12:25:07] ahhh, i see what you mean. let me investigate, thanks [12:27:16] hrmm, whereas your "background-image" has a url that looks sensible, i have background-image: url(?fb64d); [12:27:28] i think you're on to something [12:28:58] in skins/Vector/resources/skins.vector.styles/links.less i see link-external-small-ltr-progressive.svg, as your console shows [12:29:13] so it would seem that's being rewritten somewhere? let me verify that i have said svg [12:34:31] https://nick-black.com/images/mediawiki-1.43-noexternal.png i wonder what that modules=ext.EmbedVideo.styles is doing [12:49:33] Just finished upgrading to 1.43 from 1.39, and I had changed the names of the databases during the process, which seems to have broken CentralAuth. Special:MergeAccount is showing a database error, but even after I changed localuser and localnames to set the DB names to the new ones, the error persists. I know it's a bit unorthodox, but would anyone know anywhere else in the DB it might be looking for the old names? [12:49:52] I ran a grep for the old database names on the files to be sure, and I found nothing there. [13:16:57] I found the wikiset table and changed the wikis there to match the new database names, but Special:MergeAccount still throws an error showing one of the old names. [15:20:58] why does coverage fail with "The "tests/phpunit" directory does not exist" even though i added tests in that patch? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/999961 [15:22:17] isn’t that the job that reports changes in coverage? [15:22:29] which would be tricky if there’s no previous coverage to be found 🤔 [15:22:30] (just a guess) [15:22:44] you could try adding an empty second change and see if it reports better coverage there? ^^ [15:23:37] patchset 3 added the test, and patchset 4 edited minor things with it ^^; [15:23:56] yeah but it would be comparing with the parent commit, not with the previous patch set (I assume) [15:24:23] (I should probably mention that I almost never look at those jobs myself because Wikibase coverage reporting has been broken for years, so I’m not exactly the best person to speculate about it :D) [15:24:31] wdym by second change then? as in make another patch that depends on that change? [15:24:39] yeah [15:24:55] locally that would be a second commit on the same branch, and then push both to gerrit for review [15:25:07] (i.e. not Depends-On in the commit message, that’s only for cross-repo dependencies) [15:29:53] does coverage only trigger if i touch a php file or something? i submitted an empty commit, and i don't see a coverage run yet [15:29:55] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/PageNotice/+/1118828?tab=checks [15:31:31] huh [15:31:33] no idea [15:31:38] could be [15:31:53] just added a comment to a php file [15:31:59] oh yep, coverage is now in the queue [15:32:04] neat [15:33:07] that looks better [15:33:45] oh yep, it works! thank you again ^_^ [15:34:51] good test strings btw :3 [15:35:55] you're welcome, hopefully it gets merged :3c [18:30:43] Were do we find GlobalBlockingAllowGlobalAccountBlocks [18:30:47] I can't find it anywhere [18:31:42] I'm guessing it's a $wg that was removed [18:32:55] Ah so what we do to repair it [18:33:09] Repair it? [18:33:29] Fix the issue [18:33:34] What issue? [18:33:53] GlobalBlockingAllowGlobalAccountBlocks [18:33:56] This error [18:33:59] That's not an error [18:34:21] GlobalBlockingAllowGlobalAccountBlocks" not found in input sources [18:34:29] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-GlobalBlocking/commit/b503af2007660c3ee8a343cce028870e06b401f8 [18:35:38] Thanks [19:03:13] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/rzlZJ8EU [19:03:22] We got caught up in this error what do we do [19:03:27] We can't seem to figure it out [19:05:56] such service: CentralAuth.FilteredRequestTracker [21:12:02] Cocopuff2018: please provide a proper stacktrace and version info [21:13:20] see https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/search/?q=FilteredRequestTracker [21:18:40] Cocopuff2018: are you using CentalAuth? [21:19:15] is your version of mediawiki aligned with the version of the extensions? [21:26:34] (yes, and almost never, hence and.re's request) [23:42:14] ~~~~ https://github.com/orgs/https-www-ggmon-com-mx/dashboar ~~~~https://github.com/ramoncerdaquiroz~~~~https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/2810941?v=3&s=96~~~~https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0~~~~https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/community~~~~https://github.com/ramoncerdaquiroz4/. select.value"

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