[11:16:25] Hello everyone. [11:16:25] I'm new here on IRC and am looking for help with a problem updating an old media wiki that I created in 2016 on Strato using the builder. [11:16:25] Am I correct in this channel? [11:16:25] I assume English is the language of choice here, or are there also German users here? [11:16:25] Thanks. [11:17:25] English will get you a faster response [11:17:32] What's the problem Thalion ? [11:21:12] Thanks for your Answer. I am writing at the moment about the problem. Please give me a few minutes.Thank you. [11:30:51] Wir sind ein Verein und ich bin ein User der sich als Administrator versucht. [11:30:51] Meine Kenntnisse sind leicht �ber einem Standard Benutzer, aber alles was Datenbanken und Programmierung angeht �berschreitet meine Kenntnisse. [11:30:51] Mein Problem ist folgendes: [11:30:51] �ber Strato (unseren Hoster) habe ich 2016 ein Mediawiki aufgesetzt, welches von mir gut gef�llt wurde. Die alte Mediawiki Version war 1.23. [11:30:52] Wir nutzen bis vor einigen Wochen die PHP Version 5.3 [11:30:54] Da diese aber nun zus�tzliche Kosten Verursachte, schaltete ich auf eine Version php 8.3 [11:30:56] Mein Fehler aus Unkenntnis, dass es vorher besser gewesen w�re, das Wiki einem Update zu unterziehen. [11:30:58] Auf eine alte PHP Version unterhalb der 8.0 zur�ck zu gehen ist nicht mehr m�glich. [11:31:02] Also versuchte ich st�ckweise ein Update der MySQL-DB [11:31:04] Erfolg hatte ich von 1.23 auf 1.35 und danach auf 1.39. (Ausf�hren der ./mw-config/index.php) [11:31:06] Nun h�nge ich fest, da der Schritt auf 1.40 scheinbar gr��er zu sein scheint als gedacht. [11:31:08] M�glich w�re auch ein neues Aufsetzen eines Medawikis 1.42 per Strato Baukasten, aber da wei� ich nicht, wie ich �ber php myadmin die alte DB mit dem neuen Wiki verbinden kann, da dies ja auch ein Update beinhalten w�rde. [11:31:12] Ich hoffe ich habe mich verst�ndlich ausgedr�ckt. [11:31:14] [11:31:16] We are a club and I am a user who tries to be an administrator. [11:31:18] My knowledge is slightly above a standard user, but everything related to databases and programming is beyond my knowledge. [11:31:21] My problem is this: [11:31:23] In 2016 I set up a media wiki via Strato (our host), which I filled well. The old Mediawiki version was 1.23. [11:31:26] We used PHP version 5.3 until a few weeks ago [11:31:28] Since this caused additional extra costs, I switched to version php 8.3 [11:31:32] My mistake, because I didn't know, that it would have been better to update the wiki beforehand. [11:31:34] Going back to an old PHP version below 8.0 is no longer possible. [11:31:36] So I tried a piecemeal update of the MySQL DB [11:31:38] I had success from 1.23 to 1.35 and then to 1.39. (Run the ./mw-config/index.php with the Versions in 1.35 and 1.39) [11:31:41] Now I'm stuck because the step to 1.40 seems to be [11:31:43] Now I'm stuck because the step to 1.40 seems to be bigger than I thought. [11:31:45] It would also be possible to set up a new Medawiki 1.42 using the Strato kit, but I don't know how I can connect the old DB to the new wiki via php myadmin, since this would also include an update. [11:31:48] I hope I expressed myself clearly. [11:33:35] Thalion: so you've updated from 1.23 -> 1.35 -> 1.39 fine and now want to update again but are stuck [11:33:47] What's bigger than you thought about it? [11:34:22] 1.43 is the latest LTS release IIRC, just like e.g. versions 1.39 and 1.35, so you're better off upgrading from 1.39 to 1.43 anyway and skipping the pre-1.43 1.4x versions :) [11:34:56] Yes going 1.39 -> 1.43 is probably the best option [11:35:10] I'm intrigued how 1.39 -> 1.40 is too big though [11:36:26] I tried the same way with the 1.40 as bevore (copied the 1.23, overwrite with the new 1.40 files an copied the 1.23 files extensions, images, .htaccess and localsetting.php) then load it up to server and wanted to start the index.php. [11:37:54] But then i got the message "page ist not in function" [11:38:16] I also tried it from 1.39 to 1.43. That was my first try [11:38:20] What was the exact message? [11:38:57] its only in german: Diese Seite funktioniert nicht [11:38:58] 57179538.swh.strato-hosting.eu kann diese Anfrage momentan nicht verarbeiten. [11:38:58] HTTP ERROR 500 [11:39:16] And have you ran update.php [11:40:03] i tried, but the message came and so i cant get to the update backend [11:42:25] Could it be that I would have been better off copying the working 1.39 as a base and copying the 1.43 files into it? [11:43:10] o wait. [11:44:01] Sorry i didn't read well. I dont run the update.php. i only tried /mw-config/index.php [11:44:28] where can i find the update.php [11:46:03] I found now one in: .\extensions\LocalisationUpdate\update.php [11:46:16] is that the right one? [11:49:04] Just tried to excecute the update.php, but i need to do it from a command line (This script must be run from the command line). I only use filezilla an don't know where i can use an command line on the server. [12:26:31] No [12:26:36] Not that [12:26:47] In maintenance/update.php [12:26:55] You must run that every step [12:27:11] After 1.35, then 1.39 then 1.4x [12:30:47] OK. Thanks. I just managed to install putty and log in to the web space via SSH. [12:30:47] Now I'm having trouble starting update.php. [12:30:47] I tried $php maintenance/run.php update [12:30:47] But got a message [12:30:47] -bash: $: command not found [12:31:42] But that was in 1.43. I try it in 1.35. Please wait. [12:43:45] I think, i use the wrong command. [12:44:12] i got the same message. Must i use the $ or not? [12:44:41] The only reaction in 1.35 i have seen: php run.php update [12:44:41] Status: 404 Not Found [12:44:41] X-Powered-By: PHP/8.3.16 [12:44:41] Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 [12:44:41] No input file specified. [12:59:30] No $ [12:59:48] just php maintenance/update.php should work [13:00:14] Newer versions will tell you to eventually move to run.php update [13:04:25] Okay. i tried. [13:04:50] This was the message: php maintenance/update.php [13:04:50] X-Powered-By: PHP/8.3.16 [13:04:50] Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 [13:04:50] This script must be run from the command line [13:05:27] Sorry. But i don't get wat is wrong. [13:16:25] What it says [13:16:32] You need to run it from the terminal [13:18:27] Okay. So putty is not the right thing? [13:19:44] Putty helps you ssh in [13:20:02] Then you need to run it from the command line [13:20:18] Same place you got the bash error [13:26:03] Sorry. I didn't understand it. In Putty i open the session. then it opens a prompt window where i log in (my website & password). Is this window not the command line?? [14:01:19] @RhinosF1: Thank you very much for your help. I'll keep at it, but I have to stop for today. I will find out more and test your tips. Thank you very much and I wish you a pleasant Sunday. [18:04:11] adn infectado mcon nanoparticulas modificar con nanobts y mdisina lampara ia