[13:49:50] more then 4 years ago I opened a bug on auth_remoteuser, which is really biting me again:https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256364 [13:50:20] is anybody hear who is into auth_remoteuser ? [13:52:37] akoopal: yes, but curently limited by https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368904 [13:54:52] hmm, good to know this as well, I was considering to look into upgrading [20:09:13] are there lists of deleted files for each release? i have been left a mediawiki installation where upgrades were made in-place and would like to clean it up [20:15:35] hannes_: i don't think so. i would copy your installation over a Git checkout of the right MediaWiki version, and use it to tell which files are not expected to be there (using `git status`) [20:15:56] take care that you don't delete your LocalSettings.php or other config/data :) [20:17:28] you could also download a release tarball, make a list of files in it, and compare it to a list of files you have. that might be even better, since it will consider extensions too. [20:25:47] the diff command can compare directories too, no need to make a list [20:44:35] thanks