[03:17:47] Greetings.. LIttle new to MediaWiki.. I will say I love it. Trying to find that perfect theme. I found this https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Perfect_dark_theme_design.jpg# but I cannot figure out how to find the actual theme. [03:18:06] hi [03:20:45] TheFatherMind: see https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Killarnee/global.css&oldid=21490029 i think it was the user css. (this user account is the image uploader) [03:22:06] Not sure what to do with this. [03:22:26] may be easiest to message the user and ask which theme they applied that css on top of [03:22:50] i think it is 'timeless' theme [03:23:00] Hmmmmm Why are they posting pictures of themes but then not giving the themes. That is so odd. [03:23:14] try it first, it will be a light mode. if you like it and if you think it is sufficiently similar, then you can add that css to your wiki [03:23:17] So copy the timeless theme and drop this in there? [03:23:21] yes [03:23:29] timeless is the best, i use it every day [03:23:45] i keep meaning to ask all wikis to switch to it by default, but they're being lazy :-( [03:23:54] hehe [03:24:02] TheFatherMind: you would drop it in a page on your wiki named MediaWiki:Timeless.css [03:24:17] hi bawolff :) [03:24:23] hi gry [03:24:37] I am in fact using timeless as my theme at this time. [03:24:42] this is cool [03:24:42] TheFatherMind: Since its not really a "skin" itself, but a modified css for a particular skin [03:25:49] TheFatherMind: You can also see the gallery at https://skins.wmcloud.org/#/explore [03:27:52] thank you bawolff [03:28:10] I pasted that css into MediaWiki:Timeless.css and literally nothing seemed to happen. [03:32:45] TheFatherMind: And the skin on your wiki is set to timeless? [03:32:58] LOL [03:33:18] As a support person I appreciate the obviousness of your question. [03:34:02] https://i.imgur.com/GBGREAV.png [03:34:29] https://i.imgur.com/Xx85t0u.png [03:34:43] It could be that that is just not the right css file for Killarnee's skin [03:35:54] I will poke around a bit more and see what other options are there before I waste more time on this. [03:36:28] I deeply appreciate the time you have given me. (: [03:37:52] TheFatherMind: oh, maybe https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?oldid=5792078 is what the screenshot was from [03:38:28] TheFatherMind: https://github.com/wikimedia/DarkCosmos [03:38:42] Oh sweet!!! [03:38:51] * TheFatherMind hugs bawolff [03:38:53] Let me try this. [03:39:07] It is marked as no longer being matained, so ymmv [03:59:36] Soo odd... when I enable that theme the "Appearance" or really all the tabs in the preferences stop working on the Timeless theme. Mind you I have not activated the DarkCosmos theme yet.. just loaded it. [04:11:52] bummer.. seems like it might be a label issue.. skin is too old. [04:55:42] hello, is there a way to make a link not count for "what links here"? [04:56:50] I have pages showing up as linked by hundreds of other pages, because they're linked from a commonly-used infobox or nav box, and that makes it hard to find actual "content" links [04:59:12] but I imagine this is a common problem with navboxes even on wikipedia [06:06:54] nicolas17: no