[13:14:11] lucaswerkmeister: if I'm not mistaken and unless you have some special config (wgCirrusSearchWriteIsolateClusters) cirrusSearchElasticaWrite should only fill up when there are errors [13:55:44] dcausse: hm, how so? are search updates handled outside the job queue then? [13:56:05] (the wiki is still on MediaWiki 1.39 for the time being if that makes a difference) [13:56:59] lucaswerkmeister: no but cirrusSearchElasticaWrite is a job that gets created only when there's an error handling normal cirrus jobs like cirrusLinksUpdate/cirrusLinksUpdatePrioritized [13:57:06] oh [13:57:15] maybe I should look some more into that then [13:57:24] (once I regain access to the server :/) [13:57:25] thanks… [13:57:30] if you see many of those it's likely there's an issue, either in MW building the cirrus doc or writing to elastic