[11:46:00] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JZbmZ [11:46:01] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 03d5b15c1 - Knock fhfreenode offline [11:46:42] $log add spelling mistake to fhfreenode config to crash it at Fosshost request due to issue [11:46:48] Saved item "add spelling mistake to fhfreenode config to crash it at Fosshost request due to issue" [15:02:23] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JZNoF [15:02:24] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 03f041177 - relays: stop ensuring fhfreenode [18:57:38] [02puppet] 07hamptonmoore commented on pull request 03#139: Add fosshost-techops channel to channel map - 13https://git.io/JZx8M [18:58:39] [02puppet] 07MacFan4000 closed pull request 03#139: Add fosshost-techops channel to channel map - 13https://git.io/J3Y1x [19:00:43] MacFan4000: I haven't deleted the files yet but we can kill fhfreenode relay [19:00:49] Make sure Icinga is last to go [19:00:51] [02puppet] 07hamptonmoore opened pull request 03#166: Add fosshost-techops to Libera bridge - 13https://git.io/JZxBT [19:01:18] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 closed pull request 03#166: Add fosshost-techops to Libera bridge - 13https://git.io/JZxBT [19:01:20] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JZxBn [19:01:22] [02puppet] 07hamptonmoore 030b92317 - Add fosshost-techops to Libera bridge (#166) [19:04:02] RhinosF1: clearly the systemd check doesn't work as fhfreenode is still reported as up [19:05:09] MacFan4000: what does systemd status say [19:07:17] it definitely isn't running [19:14:27] RhinosF1: Even after manually stopping the service and re running the check it's still reported as up [19:27:55] Ok [21:45:40] $log dropped freenode account for FosshostRelay [21:45:46] Saved item "dropped freenode account for FosshostRelay" [21:47:48] MacFan4000: leave Icinga check existing so I can debug it [21:47:56] Just leave it heavily broken [21:49:55] ack