[09:07:14] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JuiEf [09:07:16] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 0334e8fa6 - Update prodrequire.txt [09:09:45] $log restart prod for sopel update [09:09:50] Saved item "restart prod for sopel update" [09:10:36] .version [09:10:45] .help [09:10:50] .ping [09:10:51] [version] Sopel v7.1.4 | Python: 3.7.3 [09:10:52] RhinosF1: I've published a list of my commands at: https://sopel.mirahezebots.org/help_prod.html [09:10:52] RhinosF1: Pong! [09:19:32] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/Juigq [09:19:34] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 03c2854f5 - Update prod.pp [16:08:47] [02puppet] 07alyx opened pull request 03#210: Fix Libera for FH - 13https://git.io/JuXqz [16:11:13] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 closed pull request 03#210: Fix Libera for FH - 13https://git.io/JuXqz [16:11:14] [02puppet] 07RhinosF1 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://git.io/JuXq5 [16:11:16] [02puppet] 07alyx 0382438b6 - Update fhliberaconfig.json (#210) Add #fosshost-feedback bridge channel and remove #fosshost-engine [16:12:20] .in 8mins test ^ [16:12:21] RhinosF1: Okay, will remind at 2021-09-12 - 17:20:20BST [16:20:20] RhinosF1: test ^ [16:22:52] Worked