[16:01:27] Hi @Sario, please can the StreamBotMH also stream RC for my wiki? [16:02:14] ugchimobi: Which channel and which wiki? [16:02:26] ugochimobi: ^ [16:04:33] 1. channel: #gratispaideia ; link: https://gratispaideia.miraheze.org [16:04:33] 2. channel: #gratisdata ; link: https://gratisdata.miraheze.org [16:04:33] @MacFan4000 didn't know you were here too, heh [16:04:35] [url] Gratispaideia | gratispaideia.miraheze.org [16:04:36] [url] Gratisdata - Structured Database | gratisdata.miraheze.org [16:05:22] !join #gratisdata [16:05:22] !join #gratisdata [16:05:22] Now joining channel [16:05:24] Now joining channel [16:05:44] MacFan4000: you go ahead [16:06:15] !join #gratispaideia [16:06:15] Now joining channel [16:07:32] Should be done [16:08:39] okay [16:31:23] I can't personally add the bot to a channel, from a channel I am OP? [16:37:45] @MacFan400 ^ [16:38:04] @MacFan4000 ^ [16:38:49] Yes only MirahezeBots staff can add channels [16:42:00] okay, please help, remove the both from #gratispaideia and #gratisdata and unwatch in both, then add it to #gratispaideia-rc and #gratisdata-rc and watch the various wikis, please [16:42:14] @MacFan4000 ^ [16:42:56] ok, will do in a bit [16:43:46] okay [16:46:40] MacFan4000: I got it [16:47:07] Sario: ty [16:48:46] thanks @Sario [16:49:04] You welcome [16:49:14] s/You/Your [16:49:14] Sario meant to say: Your welcome