[10:38:19] If @Doug is somehow around, today, I'd like him to look into Commagate and Cmon based on their self-admittingly behavioral evidence that I found from both of them that is an indication that Larryding is running both of them. [18:59:56] Looks as spam to me? https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Bachpan376 Please see AFL > https://login.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:AbuseLog&wpSearchUser=Bachpan376 - looks like there are some external links, idk if different to current. [18:59:58] [url] User:Bachpan376 - Miraheze Login Wiki | login.miraheze.org [18:59:59] [url] Abuse filter log - Miraheze Login Wiki | login.miraheze.org [19:29:10] I do hope Steward could look into this soon. [19:30:31] A Steward could look into this too.