[03:33:21] IP spammer strikes again at DarkMatterMan4500s user page on Daria Wiki: https://dariawiki.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:DarkMatterMan4500&oldid=29261 [03:33:23] [url] User talk:DarkMatterMan4500 - DariaWiki | dariawiki.org [09:23:09] Jesus H. Christ. [12:21:28] [[Special:CentralAuth/Makadama]] Oh great, this again: https://besttvshows.miraheze.org/wiki/Blog:OH_THAT%27S_FANTASTICO! [12:21:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Makadama [12:21:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Makadama [12:21:29] [url] Blog:OH THAT'S FANTASTICO - Best Shows & Episodes Wiki | besttvshows.miraheze.org [12:21:30] [url] Global account information for Makadama - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [12:21:31] [url] Global account information for Makadama - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [12:32:36] https://terribletvshows.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Blog:GIVE_ME_A_REASON!&oldid=173592 Behavioral evidence can be shown here too, in case. [12:32:37] [url] GIVE ME A REASON! - Terrible Shows & Episodes Wiki | terribletvshows.miraheze.org [12:49:52] [[Special:CentralAuth/MAKE ME A ADMAN, GIVE ME A REASON WHEN BLOCKING]] @Reception123 They're back again. -_- [12:49:52] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/MAKE_ME_A_ADMAN%2c_GIVE_ME_A_REASON_WHEN_BLOCKING [12:49:53] [url] Global account information for MAKE ME A ADMAN, GIVE ME A REASON WHEN BLOCKING - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [12:49:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/MAKE_ME_A_ADMAN,_GIVE_ME_A_REASON_WHEN_BLOCKING [12:49:55] [url] Global account information for MAKE ME A ADMAN, GIVE ME A REASON WHEN BLOCKING - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [13:31:08] @Void Oh, thank god you're here. The same LTA came back, but both of the accounts they used were locked. You up for massive global blocking? [13:56:57] Thanks for globally blocking those 2 IPs who were targeting me on the Daria Wiki, @Void. [13:58:09] 👍 [14:07:13] If I see anything else happen today from either them or that other LTA I've been high-tailing for weeks up to a full month, I'll launch you a message. [14:20:54] Voidwalker: 13:49:45 On loginwiki MAKE ME A ADMAN, GIVE ME A REASON WHEN BLOCKING New user account; https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log/newusers [14:20:56] [url] User creation log - Miraheze Login Wiki | login.miraheze.org [14:21:23] that was locked a while ago by reception [14:21:30] I'm blind [14:21:36] It was marked unread [14:21:41] Only just saw the time [14:22:14] the new users log also is moving so slowly compared to how it used to go [14:23:21] In #miraheze-cvt-feed [14:23:23] ? [14:24:52] any really, but also referring to https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log/newusers [14:24:53] [url] User creation log - Miraheze Login Wiki | login.miraheze.org [14:25:00] https://nonciclopedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nonciclopedia:Sandbox&oldid=2329409 https://nonciclopedia.org/wiki/Speciale:Contributi/ Yay, another troll. [14:25:01] [url] Nonciclopedia:Sandbox - Nonciclopedia | nonciclopedia.org [14:25:02] [url] Contributi di - Nonciclopedia | nonciclopedia.org [14:27:03] Voidwalker: hmm [14:27:27] It should be trigged the moment the account is [14:28:39] Nothing dodgy on the graphs [14:29:17] hmm? I'm just saying that we are getting much less user registrations than we used to [14:29:36] Oh [14:29:52] I thought you meant accounts were slow to create on loginwiki [14:30:31] We blocked just under 6,500 in last 7 days [14:30:57] 64% blocked since recaptcha came into force [14:32:00] Voidwalker: ^ [14:33:43] If you want portal access then drop a gmail account in security [14:35:33] nah, just really trying to figure out how to populate the content_models table [14:36:19] Oh that [14:36:28] We should track why it breaks down [14:36:38] But there's little rhyme or reason [14:36:45] used to be that populateContentTables fixed both slot_roles and content_models, but now it doesn't [14:37:12] Can you manually? [14:37:48] it's awkward, because the table won't be consistent between multiple wikis [14:38:01] No it isnt [14:38:30] I also really don't want to touch the database directly if at all possible [14:39:32] Yeah I hate it [15:10:13] [[Special:CentralAuth/Cum]] Think this account should get locked or something? [15:10:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Cum [15:10:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Cum [15:10:15] [url] Global account information for Cum - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [15:10:16] [url] Global account information for Cum - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [15:10:57] Given that we all should know what that's supposed to represent. [20:39:29] What so bad about it? [20:40:44] Oop just realized [20:41:42] I mean there are some others that suggest that [20:41:57] CA/CumCannon31 [20:42:11] CumMaster420 [20:43:06] Also we have Cumclicker.miraheze.org