[12:46:43] $log reverted vandalism and blocked an IP on ilogicopediawiki [12:46:49] Saved item "reverted vandalism and blocked an IP on ilogicopediawiki" [16:40:05] https://nonciclopedia.org/wiki/EVVIVA_REVENANT_LORD_CHE_HA_UNA_PODEROSA_NERCHIA_GRANITICA_E_MEGALITICA_CHE_USA_COME_MAGLIO_PERFORANTE_PER_DARE_UN_PUGNO_UATTA%27_IN_TESTA_A_WEDHRO_IL_BIGHELLONE_CON_UN_FLELIFFO_MINIUSCOLO!_MINIUSCOLISSIMO!!! This page was created by an LTA of Nonciclopedia who just doesn't know that they are not welcomed there at all. [16:40:07] [url] EVVIVA REVENANT LORD CHE HA UNA PODEROSA NERCHIA GRANITICA E MEGALITICA CHE USA COME MAGLIO PERFORANTE PER DARE UN PUGNO UATTA' IN TESTA A WEDHRO IL BIGHELLONE CON UN FLELIFFO MINIUSCOLO! MINIUSCOLISS | nonciclopedia.org [19:10:51] [[Special:CentralAuth/Cole The Geek]] Ugh, this again? -_- @Void Please deal with them as soon as possible and check if there are any sleepers. [19:10:51] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Cole_The_Geek [19:10:52] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Cole_The_Geek [19:10:52] [url] Global account information for Cole The Geek - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:10:55] [url] Global account information for Cole The Geek - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:14:16] :BanHammerMH: [19:15:48] Thanks. Also, I know this sounds like a broken record, but could you look into Gumball T Watterson like I tried requesting you to do as well? Please do remember this suspicious edit from SN where this user wanted me globally locked or blocked everywhere: https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Stewards%27_noticeboard&diff=prev&oldid=202557&diffmode=source [19:15:51] [url] Difference between revisions of "Stewards' noticeboard" - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:16:50] And I know it sounds like I'm repeating myself, but it's odd behavior. [19:40:28] @Void: could you grab https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T8111 as a Steward [19:40:29] [url] ⚓ T8111 Could you please raise $wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit | phabricator.miraheze.org [19:40:42] SRE have no issues with 200 [19:43:40] done! [19:43:54] Thanks @Void [19:44:14] Ideally ManageWiki changes should be a community thing and we just consult [19:44:23] Unless it's an emergency