[01:00:25] [[Special:UserRights/Dmehus@ysmwikiwiki]] [01:00:25] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights/Dmehus%40ysmwikiwiki [01:10:23] [discord] dmehus You go man. πŸ™‚ [01:11:43] np :) [01:12:19] $log Rolled back blatant vandalism by likely local LTA on [[mh:ysmwiki|ysmwikiwiki]] [01:12:19] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki [01:12:29] Saved item "Rolled back blatant vandalism by likely local LTA on [[mh:ysmwiki|ysmwikiwiki]]" [01:12:29] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki [01:13:17] $log Locally soft rangeblocked [[mh:ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/|]] for blatant vandalism and [[m:User accounts policy|abuse]] [01:13:17] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/ https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_accounts_policy [01:13:24] Saved item "Locally soft rangeblocked [[mh:ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/|]] for blatant vandalism and [[m:User accounts policy|abuse]]" [01:13:24] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/ https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_accounts_policy [01:26:17] get pwnd [01:29:03] [discord] Get rekt for life, LTAs of thy west. [01:55:23] $log Locally soft rangeblocked [[mh:ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/|]] for vandalism and abuse [01:55:23] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/ [01:55:30] Saved item "Locally soft rangeblocked [[mh:ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/|]] for vandalism and abuse" [01:55:30] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/ [02:07:18] [discord] Why didn't you globally block the IPs though? [02:11:36] The recent account creations seem to all be on `ysmwikiwiki`; there's no evidence other Miraheze wikis are being used to create accounts. If that pattern changes, the approach can be reevaluated. There may be some individual OpenVPN IP addresses that can be globally blocked, however [02:12:34] $log Locally soft rangeblocked [[mh:ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/|]] on [[mh:ysmwiki|ysmwikiwiki]] for vandalism and abuse [02:12:34] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/ https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki [02:12:42] Saved item "Locally soft rangeblocked [[mh:ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/|]] on [[mh:ysmwiki|ysmwikiwiki]] for vandalism and abuse" [02:12:42] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/ https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki [02:14:57] [discord] Ah, I see. [02:16:04] [discord] [[Special:CentralAuth/γ‚γ‹γ•γŸγͺはまやらわ1234]] dmehus What about this account too, though? [02:16:04] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/%e3%81%82%e3%81%8b%e3%81%95%e3%81%9f%e3%81%aa%e3%81%af%e3%81%be%e3%82%84%e3%82%89%e3%82%8f1234 [02:16:05] [discord] [02:16:07] [url] Global account information for γ‚γ‹γ•γŸγͺはまやらわ1234 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [02:17:54] [discord] dmehus Try to see if that account has any sleepers, especially since that account has been listed on the LTA page. [02:52:58] DarkMatterBladeMan4000, looking [03:10:18] $log Locally soft rangeblocked [[mh:ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/|]] on [[mh:ysmwiki|ysmwikiwiki]] [03:10:18] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/ https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki [03:10:28] Saved item "Locally soft rangeblocked [[mh:ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/|]] on [[mh:ysmwiki|ysmwikiwiki]]" [03:10:28] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki:Special:Contributions/ https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ysmwiki [03:11:26] @DarkMatterBladeMan4000, should be done :BanCatMH: [06:52:39] Sobokim3 us hitting AF on meta [07:27:10] ugochimobi, thanks, handled :) [07:55:31] dmehus: I don't see your vote [08:23:25] dmehus: i replied on discord [09:00:52] RhinosF1, I will in the morning if that's okay [09:00:55] it's 2 AM here [09:01:02] how many hours left? [09:01:10] dmehus: until COB monday [09:01:23] RhinosF1, ack [09:01:32] I'll do it in the next 6-8 hours, not longer [09:01:42] https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1648483220 [09:01:43] [url] ZoneStamp! - Timezone converter for online events. | zonestamp.toolforge.org [09:02:16] oh [09:02:24] that's 9 am Monday for me [09:02:28] I got lots of time lol [09:02:38] but I'll do it in the morning for sure [09:03:04] that's weird [09:03:15] COB for us will be OOB for you [09:03:30] oh [09:04:07] COB/OOB being Close/Open of Business [09:07:07] RhinosF1, ah that makes sense then [09:07:14] since a typical workday is 8 hours [09:07:54] so if you set COB as 5 pm Monday, me being 8 hours behind you, it'd be OOB (9 am) for me [09:10:24] yep [09:10:44] well it's any weekday [09:10:56] business opens & closes once each weekday [10:37:45] [discord] [[Special:CentralAuth/Nobh4301]] [[Special:CentralAuth/Nobh4231]] @Doug / dmehus Welp, looks like Nobh4201 has returned with 2 accounts (as both Nobh4201 and Nobh4321 were locked 17 days ago), with some proof on the `companybumperswiki` (and even the behavioral evidence on the `closinglogosgroupwiki`): https://companybumpers.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Walt_Disney_Studios_Home_Entertainment_Warning_S [10:37:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Nobh4301 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Nobh4231 [10:37:46] [discord] [10:37:46] [url] Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Warning S - Company Bumpers | companybumpers.miraheze.org [10:37:47] [discord] https://companybumpers.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/6078 (Nobh4321) [10:37:48] [url] Difference between revisions of "Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Warning Screen" - Company Bumpers | companybumpers.miraheze.org [10:37:48] [discord] From this page: https://companybumpers.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Walt_Disney_Studios_Home_Entertainment_Warning_Screen&action=history [10:37:50] [url] Revision history of "Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Warning Screen" - Company Bumpers | companybumpers.miraheze.org [10:37:50] [discord] [10:37:51] [discord] https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/186613 (Nobh4201) [10:37:52] [url] Difference between revisions of "Sony Wonder" - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [10:37:52] [discord] [10:37:54] [discord] https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/191384 (Nobh4231) [10:37:54] [url] Difference between revisions of "Sony Wonder" - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [10:37:55] [discord] [10:37:56] [discord] https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/186608 (Nobh4201) [10:37:57] [url] Difference between revisions of "Newvideo" - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [10:37:57] [discord] [10:37:59] [discord] https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/183288 (Nobh4321) [10:38:00] [url] Difference between revisions of "Newvideo" - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [10:38:00] [discord] [10:38:01] [discord] Aside from the behavior here, the 2 new accounts above sound like [[w:WP:DUCK]]s to me. [10:38:01] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:DUCK [10:38:03] [discord] [10:38:03] [url] Global account information for Nobh4301 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [10:38:04] [discord] [10:38:05] [url] Global account information for Nobh4231 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [10:38:05] [discord] [13:32:18] [discord] [[Special:CentralAuth/Noah8720]] Another vandal has been found. [13:32:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Noah8720 [13:32:19] [discord] [13:32:20] [url] Global account information for Noah8720 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [13:34:25] [discord] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/23697#mw-section-request And the user then proceeded to make a disruptive wiki request, which I immediately declined right off the bat. [13:34:26] [url] Wiki requests queue - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [13:49:45] [discord] @raidarr Thanks for clearing out that mess. [13:50:15] [discord] nobh has gone into proxies [13:50:34] [discord] cc dmehus/@Doug to review the ipv6 case [13:57:40] [discord] That makes sense. [13:58:14] [discord] That makes a lot of sense as to why. (edited) [13:59:39] [discord] it would make more sense to know why he has such a boner for those wikis [14:00:10] [discord] at this point procedurally I am treating him as an LTA, though still not quite to the formal term in lock reasons [14:00:58] [discord] To be honest, his hatred for the wikis do come off as really childish and time-wasting. [16:38:38] [discord] Hello once again @Doug / dmehus [16:38:43] [discord] Hello once again @Doug / dmehus. (edited) [16:40:06] dmehus: hi [17:09:05] .mhca Mac and cheese [17:09:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Mac_and_cheese [17:11:14] [discord] .mhca Macaroni [17:11:34] [[Special:UserRights/Dmehus]] [17:11:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights/Dmehus [17:12:24] [discord] [[Special:CentralAuth/Macaroni]] Again? [17:12:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Macaroni [17:12:24] [discord] [17:12:25] [url] Global account information for Macaroni - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [17:16:28] [discord] [[Special:CentralAuth/My love]] https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Help%20talk:SpecialPages Here we go again. -_- [17:16:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/My_love [17:16:29] [discord] [17:16:30] [url] Global account information for My love - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [17:16:30] [url] Help talk:SpecialPages - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [17:16:53] [discord] Andyyeung strikes again dmehus. [17:18:05] [discord] https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/Rename_User And again. [17:18:06] [url] User contributions for Rename User - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [17:45:04] .mhca Pee pee fart 2.0 [17:45:04] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Pee_pee_fart_2.0 [17:45:52] [discord] dmehus Let me guess: Another stinkin' sock? [17:46:09] [discord] Nvm, doesn't look like it [17:46:13] [discord] Nvm, doesn't look like it. (edited) [17:48:54] [discord] [[Special:CentralAuth/Noah1234]] https://dreamlogos.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Burger%20King%20Pictures&diff=prev&oldid=4785 Looks like it's the same vandal from this morning. [17:48:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Noah1234 [17:48:55] [discord] [17:48:56] [url] Difference between revisions of "Burger King Pictures" - CLG Wiki's Dream Logos | dreamlogos.miraheze.org [17:48:56] [url] Global account information for Noah1234 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [17:50:08] dmehus ^ [18:08:16] darkmatterman450, I've seen, why was the original user blocked? [18:13:13] dmehus: please don't forget to vote [18:14:28] RhinosF1, I won't, plan to !vote in the next 3 hours [18:14:36] .help [18:14:36] dmehus: I've published a list of my commands at: https://sopel.mirahezebots.org/help_prod.html [18:15:19] .help at [18:15:19] dmehus: The help for command at is too long; I'm sending it to you in a private message. [18:16:15] .tz [18:16:15] dmehus: What timezone do you want to use? Try one from https://sopel.chat/tz [18:16:35] .tz America/Vancouver [18:16:35] [clock] 2022-03-27 - 11:16:35PDT [18:16:48] [discord] Vandalism, if I can recall correctly. [18:17:05] .at 14:00 remind me to !vote in the FossBots election [18:17:06] dmehus: Okay, will remind at 2022-03-28 - 13:59:59UTC [18:17:15] ergh [18:18:00] .reminders [18:18:01] dmehus: You have 1 reminders in #miraheze-cvt. [18:18:08] .help reminders [18:18:08] dmehus: The help for command reminders is too long; I'm sending it to you in a private message. [18:18:25] .reminders forget * [18:18:25] dmehus: I forgot all your reminders. [18:18:48] .at 14:00 03/27 remind me to !vote in FossBots election [18:18:49] dmehus: Sorry, but I didn't understand your input: month must be in 1..12 [18:18:55] .at 14:00 3/27 remind me to !vote in FossBots election [18:18:56] dmehus: Sorry, but I didn't understand your input: month must be in 1..12 [18:19:16] This is a very convoluted syntax [18:19:22] RhinosF1: can we rethink this? [18:19:35] Probably upstream, but I'd recommend something [18:19:57] .at 14:00 27/3 remind me to !vote in FossBots election [18:19:57] dmehus: Okay, will remind at 2022-03-28 - 13:59:59UTC [18:20:09] still not getting it right [18:20:18] .reminders forget * [18:20:19] dmehus: I forgot all your reminders. [18:20:43] Agent: remind me at 14:00 UTC -07:00 to !vote in the FossBots election [18:30:07] .mhca Sobokim4 [18:30:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Sobokim4 [18:33:16] dmehus: reminders is messy [18:33:38] RhinosF1, yeah, I can kind of see that and fair enough [18:33:44] .in 90 minutes make dmehus vote [18:33:44] RhinosF1: Okay, will remind at 2022-03-27 - 21:03:44BST [18:33:58] dmehus: and feel free to complain upstream [18:39:06] RhinosF1, will do yeah and thanks :) [18:39:16] Look who is whose PA now :P [18:47:48] dmehus: I should turn into a bot lol [19:31:36] Agent: heh [19:36:43] [discord] You found nothing on "This wiki is horrible!"? [19:36:58] [discord] dmehus You found nothing on "This wiki is horrible!"? [19:38:07] DarkMatterBladeMan4000, no, but please keep an eye out for similar behaviour, edits, and users in the near-term [19:39:10] [discord] dmehus Alright then. Thanks for checking anyway. [19:43:34] [discord] https://knightn.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ Some vandalism appears to be occurring. [19:43:35] [url] User contributions for - Knight N | knightn.miraheze.org [19:48:33] $log Reverted vandalism on [[mh:knightn|knightnwiki]] and locally soft blocked [[mh:knightn:Special:Contributions/|]] for 3 days for the continued disruption [19:48:33] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/knightn https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/knightn:Special:Contributions/ [19:48:54] Saved item "Reverted vandalism on [[mh:knightn|knightnwiki]] and locally soft blocked [[mh:knightn:Special:Contributions/|]] for 3 days for the continued disruption" [19:48:54] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/knightn https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/knightn:Special:Contributions/ [19:50:18] [discord] Thank you dmehus. [19:50:31] np [20:03:45] RhinosF1: make dmehus vote [20:05:58] It's time already!? [20:06:11] Fine, I'll take a break :P [20:10:27] RhinosF1, Left you a question re: the FOSSbots Limited NDA for non-directors in -bots [20:12:07] RhinosF1, oh nevermind, I see there is a grandfathering clause, but still curious to know for new users not having previously held a Miraheze Limited NDA [20:19:08] Grandfathering expires in September anyway [20:20:33] RhinosF1, yeah, saw that [20:29:48] [discord] I've checked out "This wiki is horrible" fellow as well, waiting for further activity to take action on [20:30:04] [discord] I believe the IP they use is a proxy [20:31:09] [discord] Oh wow, more proxies. [20:31:43] [discord] there are no ends to abusable ips [20:36:29] How to put an end to all this IP abusing: [20:36:29] Step 1) Block and ::/0 [20:36:29] Step 2) ??? [20:36:29] Step 3) Profit [20:37:07] You can't block that wide Agent [20:40:18] * dmehus doesn't get sarcasm often but in this case he suspects Agent was being sarcastic :P [20:40:29] [discord] nothing a little change to `$wgBlockCIDRLimit` can't fix [20:40:50] chrs, ooh, interesting, didn't know that existed :) [20:41:34] though, in fairness, /16 is probably a reasonable IPv4 limit to prevent [[w:WP:BEANS]] [20:41:34] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:BEANS [20:43:36] [discord] yeah you wouldn't want people to actually do `/0` blocks [20:44:19] [discord] though arguably there's a usecase for softblocking all anonymous users [20:47:43] I was being 101% serious :P [20:47:56] watch sockpuppetry rates plummet [20:48:18] chrs, I suppose, but then arguably disabling anonymous editing would be the better route to go, hypothetically speaking, of course. But then you'd have the age old problem, lack of volunteers to vet account creation request queues [20:48:43] Agent, spambot rates would plummet to a far greater degree [20:49:08] in the grand scheme of things, those are definitely a far more prevalent problem. There's not even a comparison really [20:49:22] [discord] dmehus: I was speaking in terms of mediawiki defaults, in an emergency shutoff sense [20:49:27] though, in fairness, many spambots are also socks, so fair point [20:49:36] chrs, oh, true, yes, good point :) [20:50:16] [discord] obviously there are way, way cleaner ways to do so, but if you're, say, a Wikipedia being told they can't disable anonymous editing... [20:52:32] true [20:55:13] dmehus: see your PM [23:49:00] RhinosF1, looking [23:49:10] probably already handled